Your biggest strength is also your biggest weakness

Your biggest strength is also your biggest weakness

October is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder better known as ADHD Awareness Month in the UK.

Quite simply ADHD is a disorder that is defined through analysis of behaviour. People with ADHD show a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity–impulsivity that interferes with day-to-day functioning and/or development.

Medical journals The Lancet and NICE estimate that 1.9 million adults and 708,000 children have ADHD.

The co-founder of Sustainable Talent LTD and Sustainable Partners Ltd , Mhari-Claire Doolan is one of the 2.6 million people above, and she has taken time to share her story.

Co-Founder and Director of Sustainable Talent and Sustainable Partners, Mhari-Claire Doolan.

I have been told this many times in my life and since I have been diagnosed with ADHD it has become clear to me that this term is so relevant for describing how I feel about ADHD…. But also, how ADHD can make you awesome!

I had NEVER considered I was neurodiverse until I found out I was. A friend who’d worked closely with me and was neurodiverse herself mentioned to me that she thought I may be and was worth taking further.

I don’t know what made me decide to take the tests as I honestly didn’t think I had ADHD but I did and was blown away by the results.

It was like someone had fully understood me for the first time in my life. All the things I’d punished myself about and other people – particularly in a professional context had punished or bullied me for – all made sense. It wasn’t all my fault! I’d always felt different and drove myself mad wondering why even when I tried so hard I couldn’t just be “normal”. But now I had a reason, and I honestly felt better about myself immediately!

I thought it may be helpful to share the areas I score highly in as a means of raising awareness but also for those of you close to me to understand me more.

I’ve never shared this before….

1 - Extremely high level of verbal impulsivity – you frequently interrupt others and assert your thoughts and opinions without much consideration for the impact on the conversation dynamics.

This is absolutely me and no matter how hard I try I can’t help it. I promise I’m not rude I just can’t shut up – it’s so hard to control the impulse. It’s so hard to explain to someone whose brain works differently.

Weakness into a strength - it makes you a persuasive communicator who is good at expressing their ideas and opinions. Someone who is usually good at influencing others in professional and social scenarios.

2 - Extremely high level of cognitive hyperactivity – cognitive style that is characterised by intense relentless mental activity. Often experiencing racing thoughts or difficulty in quieting the mind.

My mind doesn’t stop, it physically hurts my head. I can’t get to sleep but even when I do it often doesn’t feel like proper sleep and I aways wake up with my mind racing and immediately start doing tasks the second my eyes open.

Weakness into a strength - rapid information processing, idea generation and complex problem solving.

3 - Extremely high level of physical hyperactivity – you’re often in motion and may find it difficult to remain still.

I am always described as high energy, unless I’m poorly I never don’t have lots of energy at any time or day or night. Even if I am feeling down or sad, my energy is still usually high. This isn’t a decision I make it’s just who I am! I know that I can be perceived as annoying or crazy or brash… the energy you see is often me masking the even higher energy I feel.

Weakness into a strength - high energy can be fun, motivational and make a strong leader. Also, can make you excellent at physical activity such as sport!

4 - You score low in selective attention – you may sometimes have difficulty focusing and ignoring distractions.

My main distraction is my internal thoughts or not being able to just focus on one thing.

Weakness into a strength - productive multi-tasking master!

It's a year this week since I did the tests and I’m so glad I did. I have (for now) decided that meds isn’t the path for me. It has helped me love myself more and realise that I’m not broken I am just different. EVERY PDP I’ve been given has told me that communication is a “strength and a weakness” of mine and an area I really need to work on.

I’ve been held back from multiple promotions due to “saying the wrong thing”, “being too honest” and “too impulsive” with my communication.

I have been made to feel stupid, undervalued and referred to as “crazy” or “quirky”.

I’ve been misunderstood a lot more than I have been understood. Well now I understand myself and that is a huge power to have.

The journey to here has also made me hyper self-aware which in itself makes me a better professional, mother, friend and member of society.

My advice to any employers out there – whether its neurodiversity or any other differences – EMBRACE IT!

Don’t judge your people, instead get to know them and invest in making them the best version of themselves without making them question or hate themselves.

In return they will be more successful in their role AND you will learn and grow together!


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