Your Biggest Enemy

Your Biggest Enemy

Who's?your biggest enemy?

Some one who talks bad about you?

Some one who stole precious things from you? or Some one who harms you?

?Definitely?none of them!

But the voice inside you, your Inner Critic -self talk or that voice which can bring you down and make you feel powerless, unworthy and inadequate.

But why in the first place I called it as a worst enemy?

Because it stops you even from taking 1st step in the place, because it needs perfectionism. Which in reality there is no such thing as perfectionism. In figuring out ways to do perfectionism we often tend to think thousand times, which delays task and that when we feel people laugh at us that we are not even able to do simple task!

Alas! There again begins a new cycle of self criticism- Back to square 1

But how can we avoid it?

Questioning the inner critic - is there any thing that supports this instance?

Because self talk supported by facts and data can reduce the thought of negative impact on the action you take! and eases you!

?Also focusing on the process improvement rather than result,?Try playing the game to enjoy rather than to win. The inner courtroom of your mind will be at ease since you are enjoying the journey not looking winning the game perfectly.

This would definitely set your inner courtroom at peace!?

More importantly how you treat yourself is a litmus test of how others respond to you!


Shivani Shakeji

Candidate Manager

1 年

?? so true!



