After reading all of these articles on success you might be saying, “Great Dr. Ben, this might work for some people, but you don’t understand my situation."
As someone who wrestled competitively for 19 years, I understand completely what it’s like to be caught in a dangerous, painful condition from which it appears impossible to wriggle free. If you’re tired enough, hurting enough, behind by enough points, and have been working hard to no avail for a long enough time, the thought of success can all but completely diminish –and cease even being a dream. In an exhausted, unmotivated, painful state, all that may seem reasonable at that point are antidepressants, alcohol, or a whole lot of sugar….but there is a better, less harmful way.
In wrestling there are certain positions or “holds” that you never want to find yourself in. Getting caught in a “cradle,” a “guillotine,” a “double chicken wing,” or being stuck on your back are all potentially dangerous, match ending states of affair. In fact, if your opponent is really good, it can seem like there’s no way out and a feeling of discouragement, despair, and that “All is lost” can come over you pretty quickly. However, the truth is, there’s always a way out. That’s why many people have gotten out of these holds, fought off their back and come back to win the match. THESE WINNERS KNEW SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT, THEY KNEW HOW TO COUNTER.
As boxed in as you may feel now, as much as you may feel it’s over, and that you’re at the end of your rope; DON’T QUIT! INSTEAD, COUNTER. “The COUNTER” is how you escape and come back from a compromising position in not only a wrestling match, but in life’s wrestling matches.
1. Change your position: You have to be capable of seeing outside of your box of frustration and become aware of your blind spots. Death is in the blind spots. You can fit an invisible 18 wheeler in one. In the world of success, the illiterate are not people who can’t read or write, it’s those who can’t LEARN, UNLEARN, AND RELEARN.
The number 1 way to failure and to completely stop any forward progress is the illusion that you “Already know.” For example, U.S. families have the worst health of any other families in the world. On the contrary, our patients who live “alternatively” to conventional health care and live the right lifestyle have the best health of anyone in the world. Yet, people keep being scared or hypnotized into following “the system.”
2. Pray for strength; A famous quote from the depression said, “Whenever I prayed to God to get me a chicken, I never got a chicken. But, when I prayed for God to give me the strength to catch a chicken, I always got me a chicken.”
My favorite “counter” scripture: (1 Cor 10:13) “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it.”
3. Tackling fuel! To hit a Counter, you’ve got to get mad instead of sad, use the fuel of failure as energy instead of despair, and muster up more strength then you believe you had. Your mind always quits before the body and God’s power is in endless supply. DON’T QUIT!
4. Purpose you would die for: When you first start wrestling, you stink at it and need to know a lot of counters. When I asked my coach how to get out of some of the more compromising positions he said, “If you want to get out, it’s got to be like you’re a drowning man trying to come up for air.” You’ve got to want it bad!!
How bad do you want to win for God, your family, your purpose, and/or to preserve your own life? We’re here to help coach you to victory, but you’ve got to want it bad enough.
Executive Growth Strategist
8 年Awesome. Enjoyed reading this