Is Your Belief Holding You Back?
What is belief anyway?
For me, this is me being convinced that something is true, even without evidence that it is so. However, If I take a close look at my quiet feelings about my beliefs, I must admit there is a small part of me that holds a little disbelief. Admitting this to myself has been difficult, but there is a part of me that thinks, “what if this is a story I am making up?” or “without evidence, then I am going on faith and hope that I am correct.”
This is ego wanting to keep me from making a mistake or being wrong. I get that. So now what?
In order to fully believe in something that has not yet manifested I realize I must, therefore, trust that I am right or trust in a higher power, which is also something I hold a belief in. I believe ?until I experience its evidence and then I know.
Rather than create a goal or create a construct of belief, I have decided to practice letting go and know that everything happens for a reason. I do not need to search for the reason, construct a story around it, or pretend that I even understand it. I allow the idea that what I have evidence of to be true I can also find evidence that it is ?false.
Therefore, I choose my choices based on what aligns with me that has little or no resistance within my body. This, to me, means I am living for the purpose of evolving to a better version of me every moment of every day. By doing this, I show up perfectly, always and those that get to work with me get to experience receiving exactly what they need right now.
When I listen closely to the quiet voice within me, I trust myself and in trusting me I have no need for beliefs. I believe in me. What else could I ask for?