Your Beginning with God
A Follow-up Book and Guide for New Believers
It is not only important for us to lead the lost to Jesus, but to make disciples of all the nations. In over 30 years of teaching Supernatural Evangelism meetings in churches, I have noticed a great lack when it comes to good Bible information to give to the new Believer to help him and her in the beginning of their spiritual growth in the Lord.
Many times Christians are scrounging to locate a pamphlet or small book to give the new convert, but can’t always find something appropriate; that’s why I wrote a “real” follow-up book. I hope that you will keep a lot of them handy to give to those you lead to the Lord.
The first chapter explains to the new Believer the difference between his spirit, soul and body; and that his spirit got reborn, not his mind and body.
The second chapter explains how important it is that he be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in other tongues.
- The third chapter covers 7 things he needs to do to grow strong in the Lord (Learn the Word, baptism in water, join a New Testament church, walk in righteousness…). I always like to have a good follow-up book to give to those I lead to the Lord. If you want to know more about it and quantity discount prices, please send me an email to: [email protected] and let me know if you are interested, thanks.