Your Author Career
Photo by Luke Lung via Unsplash

Your Author Career

Did you ever sit and think of all the perks and extra goodies that come from writing a book?

There are lots of perks, although you may have written a book for other reasons and you weren't aware of any perks or benefits.

But there are benefits to writing a book, and they can begin long before you publish your book.

Here's a short list:

** Your book can get you on a variety of talk shows from podcasts with well-known individuals to radio or television.

** Your book can get you in front of celebrities of all types who can fast forward your career.

** Your book can provide you with amazing collaborative partners.

** Your book can expand your mailing list and overall number of people you know who will promote you and your book further once it’s published.

** Here are some actual examples of cool things a few of my clients experienced through the process and publication of their books:

  • One client reached out to a celebrity who could speak about the topic of cults (she had experienced the worst of one). In addition, my client reached out to a foremost advocate for cult educator. Both people contributed cover blurbs and the celebrity wrote a beautiful foreword for the book. This author continues to collaborate with these people who are now her peers.?
  • Another of my clients decided to write a memoir about her motorcycle trip across country with her son and husband. What came out of that was a stunning memoir and while the book was in production, she organized readings at more than 50 sites of all sorts—bookstores, people’s homes, libraries and motorcycle shops. She is on her tour now and has even extended her trip as she added more book signings along the way.
  • A third client wrote a book for women on coming of age in mid-life. She is an enthusiastic advocate of taking a positive approach to aging and finding the best that life has to offer by not focusing on what everyone considers the negatives of old age, but instead working on rocking your elder years. Her book not only demonstrates how well she takes her own advice to live a healthy and balanced life.

If you are thinking about writing a book, start a list of outcomes. What that means is list the things a book can do for you, including reaching out to people for cover blurbs; starting an email list of peers and colleagues and send them details about the writing and publication process--they are your biggest cheerleaders; think about speaking events you will pitch once you have your book.

These are just a few suggestions. There are tons more that you can do.

Leave a comment below and let me know what plans you have for your book.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

                                ~ Confucius

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Writing Tips and Craft

Writing professionally can include non-writing activities like:

  1. Research that supports your arguments
  2. Interviews of experts that add credibility
  3. First-person accounts of historical significance

Although it may seem like work, adding details like these elevate your book's value and worth. It takes it from amateur to professional status and creates a book worth reading.

Don't forget--if you quote anything online or from an interview, you have to cite your sources. Add them to a section at the back of your book called Endnotes, organized by chapter.

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Little Book. Big Impact is designed for the business professional who wants to assert their expertise, but not take months and years to write a manuscript or pitch it to agents, which can sometimes take years.

Want more info? Slide into my DMs or contact me here and we'll set up an appointment to discuss your book and how to write it.


