Your August EAB Briefing Monthly Round-Up: Back to School
The end of summer is near, so we're ending August with the latest resources to start your 2024-2025 school year on the right track. This edition includes topics such as how student success teams
We've also got some eye-opening survey results on deans and tips for making your institution more financially resilient
Student success teams are using AI—here’s what you need to know
What started as a curiosity for new AI has become tools such as Chat GPT becoming an essential part of our lives. And while much of the chatter around AI in higher education has focused on academics, less has focused on how student success professionals use tech. To better understand how teams are using AI in their day-to-day roles, we surveyed student success professionals to determine:
It’s time to meet your new community college learner
The number of recent high school graduates who choose not to pursue higher education is growing, which means community colleges must understand the aspirations of these students. We spoke with 2,700+ learners who expressed interest in attending community college, where we discussed their goals, motivations, and readiness for life after high school. Use the following infographic to discover what you need to know about the next generation of community college students.
Turn your website into an enrollment machine
When it comes to the college experience, it’s no secret that Gen Z relies heavily on their screens for information. That’s why—for prospective students—an institution’s website is the number one tool they use to help understand if a school is the right fit place for them. In this episode of Office Hours with EAB, experts Sean Tivnan and JP LaFors discuss the new college search behaviors that are forcing university websites to evolve, and provide tips on connecting and engaging with Gen Z “stealth shoppers” who are heavily influenced by institutions’ digital presence.
Deanship unveiled: Insights from the 2024 Voice of the Dean Survey
From bridging academia and administration to playing a vital role in setting college strategy, the opportunity for deans to impact institutions is unparalleled. This year, we launched The Voice of the Dean Survey to understand the experiences of their peers at research-intensive universities. Take a look at the results from our executive brief now for snapshots of the deanship, top challenges for deans, and advice new deans can use to guide their journey at their institution.
Leaner, but stronger, is the future of institutional operations. Here’s why.
A perfect storm of financial pressures has impacted all universities, regardless of standing or region. In a bid for stability, many institutions turned to across-the-board cuts to relieve stresses. However, these blanket cuts can often cause more harm than good, damaging a university’s strategic capacity. To help your institution remain or become financially resilient, learn how a “leaner, but stronger” approach helps build stakeholder buy-in and trust in the necessary but unpopular decisions.
Until next time,
The EAB Briefing Team
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