Your Audience: Who Are They?
Dave Bricker
Speaker, Presentation Consultant, Business Storytelling Expert, and Founder of
It’s all well and good to know what we’re talking about—that’s the price of admission on-stage (or off)—but unless our audience feels we’re talking about them, they won’t connect with our message.?
Who are they?
Whether you’re giving a presentation or writing a book—or even just an article—knowing your audience is key.
What is your audience expecting??
If they’ve been forced to attend mandatory sessions on sexual harassment, active shooter emergencies, and (Why does some idiot always think we need training for this?) humor in the workplace, will they welcome us, or see us as the latest onslaught on their time and sensibilities?
Who won’t be in the audience??
If you speak at an education conference, will your talk be for administrators only? Teachers only? Textbook publishers??
Why talk to people who weren't invited to the party?
What about demographics?
Speaking to a room full of baby-boomers is different from speaking to a room full of Millennials. Is your audience educated? Are they successful executives, optimistic startup entrepreneurs, or struggling line workers??
Did you research their history?
When was the host organization started and by whom? Have they encountered setbacks or scandals? Are they involved with groundbreaking discoveries? Have they launched game-changing products? Have they worked with change-leaders and visionaries? Audiences and readers respect you more when you come prepared.?
Watch out for landmines!
Some topics are better left unmentioned. Though it’s wise to bypass discussions of sex, politics, and religion, some industries avoid certain words. When I spoke to an industrial packaging association, I was cautioned to always use the word “drum” and never say the word “barrel.” Who knew?
And then there’s all that other stuff!
When you share surprising little gems, people look up, smile, laugh, and engage. They respect that you do your homework and they know you care about them.?
And that’s why you spend hours looking for insider stories and jokes your audience will never expect you to know.
One more reason people think your job is easy:
Research is one of those less-glamorous, behind-the-scenes chores your audience will never see. Like me, you probably use a checklist to guide your explorations—and you know a sheet like the one below can grow FAT when you fill it in with important audience info.
Audience Research Checklist
Presenter Information
Audience Description
Audience Insights
Audience Demographics
Audience Psychographics
Audience Conflicts
Audience History
Relevant News
Landmines to Avoid
Engaging Material
Now there’s an easier way!
The Speakipedia? Audience Inspector adds HI (Human Intelligence) to AI. Fill in the basics of who you are, what you’ll be talking about, and who you’ll be speaking to. The AI will inspect your audience in no time at all, and export your full report as a Word Document.?
Explore the demo here … or take the tour:
Join me on October 8, 2024 for a special, online event. We’ll plan a presentation, and then use AI to get the lowdown on the audience, tweak the promotional language, prepare a dynamite introduction, and still have time for Q & A.
Helping Executives and Funded Start-Up Founders to scale and grow their businesses | Former Industry Award Winner
1 个月Very well said Dave Bricker