Your Audience Doesn’t Think They Can Do It On Their Own – They’re Just Clueless About the Results They Could Get With Your Help

Your Audience Doesn’t Think They Can Do It On Their Own – They’re Just Clueless About the Results They Could Get With Your Help

It drives me absolutely crazy when people say, “I think I’m sharing too much information/value so that my audience now thinks they can do it on their own. I need to hold back more, so that more people will buy from me.”


That is not at all what I see as the problem in so many people’s content and why they’re not getting actual buyers from it.


Instead, it’s that they don’t make clear what the RESULT should be when people apply their information properly.


Let me illustrate:


I used to totally believe this myth because I would give a ton of free value and almost no one would contact me about working together (or if they did, they wouldn’t end up enrolling).


Now I see that the “free value” I gave never (or rarely) mentioned what concrete results were possible for my audience.


I would do things like:


–free livestream trainings on “defining your perfect client/audience”


(Not a result)


–free 1-on-1 “get clear on your messaging” sessions


(Not a result either)


–PDFs on “how to attract dream clients”


(That’s sorta a result but not very specific)


So people would always contact me and say things like “thanks, I’m a lot clearer on my ideal client now!”


Or “this training is going to help me to write better!”


And I always drove myself crazy wondering why they didn’t ask about paying me to have more in-depth help.


I was convinced it was because I’d shared too much.


Now, the answer is plain as day.?


We need to give people clear KPI’s (key performance indicators) as to what success with our methods would actually look like.


These are things like:


“4-8 clients per month paying $2k”


“fighting with your partner once a week or less, as opposed to once per day like you’re doing now”


“losing that extra 4-6 inches off your waist”


“you should take more like 30 minutes to make decisions rather than stewing about them all day long”



If you’re not connecting your value content to results/outcomes – start doing so! It could mean multiple-six figures extra to your bottom line this year. ??DM me if you’d like help – this is one of the things we work on in my 90-day private intensive program.


I have a particular way that we thread in the results when writing your content.



Let me know what questions you have about this. I hope it gives you some relief and helps you to stop analyzing whether you gave away too much. ??


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