Your Anointing
Today from the Life is a Gold Mine Daily Devotional
"You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy" - Hebrews 1:9.
The number one indicator of purpose is joy. God gives you joy in what He wants You to do and be, so you will know His will in any given moment. It doesn't make sense that God would create you to enjoy something and then not let you do it! From today's verse, you can see that this joy is part of your 'anointing,' for it brings with it the supernatural ability to perform beyond your natural capabilities. Where in life is your greatest joy? Do you see it as an anointing of sorts that empowers you to work with effectiveness, garnering results for God's glory? Are you fighting or ignoring this joy?
Lord, there are times I have felt this anointed joy, but haven't always known what to do with it. Today, I understand not to fight it but to surrender to it, for by doing so, I am embracing my purpose. I thank You for making plain to me what I am to do, and I vow to make the most of the opportunities You give me.