Your Ambivalence — Address It with Compassionate Curiosity
Does your ambivalence about something occasionally upend your time choices?
Using your time management skills usually works best when you’re familiar with your time demands and your terrain.
However, during a transitional period, you may not know your top priorities at any given moment. In addition, if you’re experiencing a transition that you’re not happy about, recognizing your top priorities may become even more complicated.
Your ambivalence may trip you up. So, recently, I was reviewing some of our Finding Time Tips and came upon this one, which I think will be helpful in this kind of situation.
Explore your ambivalence to find time…
Try this tip when you’re in the midst of a transition. It helps when you’re ambivalent and unsure about how to keep moving forward.
Compassionate curiosity can clarify priority conflicts in your schedule.
Action Step:?
Identify which time choices reflect your ambivalence about what matters most, and invite a friendly “conversation” amongst your options to arrive at a satisfying resolution.
Be expansive…
Work to be open and non-judgmental as your conversation unfolds. Compassionate curiosity will open doors to feelings and insights that you may not have even known existed.
It also helps to write your conversation down if you’re comfortable doing that.? Don’t censor yourself — just let things flow and welcome what comes.
For me, those internal “conversations” often offer a wealth of unexpected, helpful information.
So, how will you incorporate compassionate curiosity into your life, starting today?