Your ability to focus, is your ability to create the life that you want.

Your ability to focus, is your ability to create the life that you want.

Your ability to focus, is your ability to create the life that you want.

The universe that you live in, is simply waves of energy, but that energy needs direction & focus

Your life is created on a subconscious level, depending on where you place your intentions & desire. You have the power to attract or experience any situation as long as you do not have any negative thoughts or counter productive believes in opposition to what you want

Your believes determine exactly what it is you create, regardless if those believes are positive or negative, that will become part of your life’s experience

Limiting beliefs, sabotaging & counter productive beliefs will become what you attract back into your life

Nothing in your life happen until you first create it & that happens the moment you use your observation to focus on things

Consciousness creates your reality & you process everything through your 5 senses, which then sends messages to your subconscious mind & your subconscious mind interprets those messages depending on what it is you believe

So in essence, your reality is simply only created by what you believe to be there and it is only your interpretation of what you are observing

People spend the majority of their lives focusing on what they don’t want

You create what your subconscious mind beliefs & what you attract into your life based on your past experiences

Your subconscious mind is just a compound of beliefs that have no value or place in helping you to now create the life you wish and desire

In order for you to create a new life, with new possibilities and experiences, you must have a clear focus & remove any old limiting beliefs & increase your focus on what you desire

You are either bringing what you want into your life or you are pushing it away

Peace, Love & Happiness ?? Mimi x


