Is Your 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit The 
          Perfect Typewriter?
Do you remember the Typewriter? Are you still one?

Is Your 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit The Perfect Typewriter?

I’m looking directly at the anniversary edition of the "IBM SELECTRIC" typewriter that my father gave me as a present years ago, God rest his soul. I remember this version was hardly sold, why? This "modern" typewriter became obsolete with the birth of the personal computer and "On-Demand" word processing.??This all came very soon after he bought this “state of the art machine”.?IBM got caught (albeit, have since reinvented themselves quite well) and had to close their brand new massive Lexington, Kentucky typewriter manufacturing plant!?Some selected thoughts come to my mind about the future of American Non-Profits:

How many galas, concerts, town halls, collaborative begging, golf tournaments, dinners, silent auctions, grant writing, chicken barbeques, and donation soliciting, can one community support in the competitive world of donor fatigue in 2024?

  • Are you , again, re-doing and re-tweaking old ideas?constantly, without?launching any?innovative new possibilities??
  • ?Are your fundraising strategies the same old, same old Me-Too Marketing copying of your competitor’s catalogs, events, and websites?
  • Is the public's view of area non-profits blurred as they start new but copycat break away groups, mimic each other and canabalize the available donor pool?
  • Are you really still doing organized begging? really?
  • Did you note the history of trying to build a perfect DVD disks when direct downloading companies like Netflix, Comcast, etc. send them the way of the typewriter?
  • Will your non-profit figure out real?Interactive marketing strategies or will you continue to try build the existing legacy selling models on websites promoting events?
  • Is your non-profit struggling?because it is still trying to build the world’s best typewriter or is it re-inventing itself for the future?

Surviving non-profits today need to think long and hard about 2024 and beyond.?Improve your vision. Now is the time to bring new skills to your volunteers, and reinvent your business model for the future.

You aggressively need to think new if you want a future in a flat global landscape.?Pay attention to what worked, what didn’t, and what will work in the next 5 years.?Don’t you be stuck being a typewriter non-profit in a changing digital age. JMHO.



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