Your $50,000/yr employee may be costing you $12,500!
Janice Goldmintz
I support professionals and executives caring for aging parents. I help navigate challenges and enable corporations to boost employee well-being and productivity, reducing absenteeism and saving costs.
Does this sound like your employees? They are at work...emails are coming in...the computer system is going have a report due yesterday...BUT...they are on the phone with family or doctors or siblings, trying to take care of issues of their aging parents....they are showing signs of stress....they may be experiencing minor accidents at work due to reduced focus.
According to a study by Ceridian, 2.9 million Canadians are working caregivers. Another study, the Global Corporate Challenge, found that a group of 2,000 employees surveyed reported to being unproductive for 57.5 days each on average over the last year. That is nearly 3 months' time! If that employee is paid $50,000 per year, that is upwards of $12,500 of less productive time. In a medium size company, that can mean tens of thousands of dollars.
Presenteeism-you are physically at work, but not fully productive, due to illness, stresses, family obligations, etc. This phenomenon affects all organizations. While there are a number of causes of presenteeism, Talk About Aging can assist with those associated with staff whose "second job" is caring for their older loved ones. With demographics of seniors making up 28.5% of the population by 2031, learning how to identify and cope with your staff's possible caregiving dual role will be extremely important to your bottom line.
I would welcome the opportunity to share with you how we can restore that lost productivity, help employees feel less stressed, and more able to cope with their "sandwich generation" realities.
Janice Goldmintz 647-780-2258
[email protected]