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Think about this for a moment...

  • The Average 401(k) in 2022 LOST 23% of your hard earned money. Your savings. Your future!
  • Conservative projections for 2023 are that the market and your 401(k)/ IRA will lose an ADDITIONAL 20%+ (many predict 25%+)
  • It just depends on who you believe and which report you trust. Bank of America? JP Morgan? Morgan Stanley? CNBC? FOX NEWS? They all say the same thing..
  • That means, in 24 months, your future and your retirement plans will lose 40%+ percent.
  • Lets take a look at how much the market would need to GAIN in order for you to simply recover what you lost:

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  • So, if in 24 months we lose 40% you will need the market to do a full 80%+ gain in order for you to SIMPLY GET BACK WHAT YOU LOST. How long do you think it would take the U.S Stock market to gain 80% and beyond for you to start winning again?

The question is...Why? Why risk your money? Why risk your future? Why risk your retirement? Why? Why? Why? Why?

  • Perhaps, because you simply don't know there is a better way?
  • Perhaps, you simply believe this is the only way to increase your retirement savings?
  • Perhaps, you don't know where to look or where to turn?
  • Perhaps, you're one of those people who believes that your advisor is such a smart, loyal, trusting person that if there was a better way they would have told you about it?
  • Perhaps, even your financial advisory simply doesn't know there is a better way and they simply only offer you what they have / what they know is available..
  • FINALLY, The 5 most important questions to ask yourself

  1. If you could protect your money from market risk, loss, volatility, and economic downturn and never lose your money again...would you want to?
  2. If you could still GROW YOUR MONEY, with compound interest, and stock market participation (while protecting it from loss) would you prefer that?
  3. If you could eliminate all taxes on your money, your growth, your returns, and never pay taxes again in the future, would you want that?
  4. If you ELIMINATE the contribution limits, the age restrictions, the age penalties, and the required minimum distributions...would you want that?
  5. If you could build a TAX-FREE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT that provides LIFETIME INCOME YOU CAN NOT OUTLIVE, would you want that?

Basically (this is a bonus question): If you would like an account that provides all the things a 401(k) and IRA DOES NOT PROVIDE...would you want that?

  • Lastly, what good and holy reason could you possibly have to want a 401(k) or IRA if you could immediately all the taxes, risks, and losses?

Its your money.

Its your future.

Its you're retirement.

Its your family / business you're trying to help.

Which means its entirely your choice.

But me and my team are here if you want a better option...Either we can help you make things better or we can't and you stay exactly where you are. No harm done. But the information won't hurt you.



