Your 30 Day Decluttering Guide is Here!
I get it – January is a great month for new beginnings. We try to establish or break habits, we set lofty goals, we make resolutions. It’s just that there are a couple of big flaws with that:
- We put a ton of pressure on ourselves not to fail.
- We haven’t addressed our mindset surrounding these sweeping changes.
I also think that sometimes January can be a giant dumpster fire.
We go through this post-holiday hangover, and we’re also dealing with cold, dreary weather and flu season. To top that off, we have a lot of extra pressure at work to start off Q1 strong!
That’s why I waited until February to bring you The Mrs. Jones Could Use a Beer Guide to Killing Clutter in 30 Days or Less.
I wanted to create something that doesn’t just walk you through the steps to decluttering your house in a simpler way. I wanted you to have something that first began with working through how to change your mindset as it relates to how you think about your physical spaces.
We’re not talking about “oh, I really hate this clutter”. I’m talking about your self-talk in the way that you say, “I’m a hot mess and I can never get my crap together. My life is a sucky waste land of failures.”
I know a lot of you talk to yourselves that way.
You wouldn’t talk to the people you love that way, and you shouldn’t be talking to yourself that way. Not only is that no way to live, but it’s holding you back from making progress in the areas of your life you want to make changes in.
So, in this workbook, this is where we begin. We’re going to do a little inner work before we jump in to the outer work of clearing your physical spaces in order to create some margin in your life.
It’s priced at just $8.97 for now, and it’ll go up to it’s regular price of $12.97 in two weeks, so don’t wait!