Your 3 Powers to Get You Through Tough Times in Life
Sandra Di Francesco
I Help Build Online Business Empires | High Converting SEO Copywriter | Website Copywriting | Content Expert | Sales & Marketing | Enemy of Average | Innovation | Business Growth | ??Chess Player??
Life does bring us a fair share of challenges and obstacles that we are so often totally unprepared for.
The global COVID-19 pandemic is a perfect example of this.
I once heard someone say that life is like a school in which you get an exam but unlike school where you get the practice exam, life doesn’t give you the practice exam, you get the real exam without practice.
Such a great metaphor for life don’t you think?
COVID has been and continues to be a major exam for all of humanity.
When it comes to major life challenges like a pandemic, some people will come out stronger and better than others.
You may think, that it comes down to factors like luck, different circumstances, differences in temperate, emotional intelligence, etc.
Although these do play a part, they dont tell the full story.
I have observed time and time again that people that come out on the other side stronger and often better from challenges have three powers.
Often they are not even aware that they have these, at least on a conscious level.
These powers are already within all of us but are often buried deep as ‘life happens’ but with a little effort & practice, you can bring them to the surface, activate them, and use them.
Here they are:
Power to adapt
Humans by nature are hardwired to adapt to changing environments, seasons, and circumstances.
We have been doing it after all for millions of years.
We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have this power to adapt.
In recent times COVID has forced us to adapt on such a huge and unprecedented scale.
On a personal level, your ability to adapt to change determines a lot of your success in life. There’s a whole concept around this.
This is closely tied up with Evolution and Darwinism.
Even if you dont believe in evolution, the concept has merit.
It’s a well-known fact that ‘adaptors’ thrive and people who dont adapt get left behind in life.
This doesn’t just apply to humans it also applies to animals, insects, and plants. The ones that adapt thrive and live and the ones that dont perish.
For humans its been found that a?fixed mindset ?makes it extremely hard to adapt.
Whereas the opposite — a?growth mindset ?helps immensely to adapt.
Much has been written about the growth mindset in recent years.
Do some research to find out more.
How to activate your power to adapt
Power to thrive
Much of human existence focuses on survival, that is “I will survive this week”, “I will survive this situation”, “I will survive this condition”, etc.
Compared to not surviving, it’s not a bad way of looking at things.
However, survival mode isn’t as empowering as thrive mode.
Remember survival mode is linked to the primal part of your brain which is always looking for what’s wrong.
So it’s only natural that it puts you in a more negative state of mind and body which isn’t exactly inspiring or empowering.
But if you flip the switch over to thrive mode, you awaken the inner giant that enables you to thrive no matter what.
The late Olivia Newton-John said it best:
“Survivor sounds like someone clinging onto a lifeboat. A thriver’s someone who’s already off the boat and on land.”
What a beautiful and empowering perspective!
It’s a lesson for us all to get off the boat and get on land no matter what challenges face us on land.
Along with Olivia Newton-John, there have been all sorts of individuals who thrived not just survived in the toughest times — Nelson Mandala, Gandi, and Helen Keller just to name a few.
How to activate your power to thrive
Power to brace
It’s common on aircraft to assume a brace or crash position.
It’s an instruction to “brace for impact” when an aircraft must make an emergency landing on water or land.
In real life, your power to brace is essentially your power to get ready for obstacles coming your way.
You need to anticipate and prepare for what’s coming your way.
Often in life, you don’t get much time to prepare for impact.
Things can occur in a split second.
But, it’s how you react in that second, and long after that which determines so much of how you handle life and also your experience of life.
How to active your power to brace
Final thoughts
Activate?your three powers if you haven’t already done so as they will do wonders for you when you’re facing challenges and tough times in life.
Remember your three powers are:
They may be only three powers but are incredibly potent with the potential to change how you cope and deal with tough situations forever.
If you study so-called ‘tough people’ ( the thrivers of life) you’ll find that they have used these powers in one way or another even if they dont realize it.
You can too and should in order to come out as a winner when facing difficulties.
To Creating a Better You,
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2 年Oh I love this article, Sandra! To overcome life's challenges we also need the courage to try, even if we may fail.
Top Female Executive 2021, Top Brand Mentor 2020/21, Empowered Woman 2020, Keynote Speaker, Author - Mentor to Influencers, Thought Leaders, Service Professionals - “Tap the Power of YOU" - the whole-person voice
2 年Sandra Gabriella Di Francesco - thank you for the well scribed article, and enjoyed reading its content. You have greatly concluded into the 3 points - loved it ?? I might add a Food for Thought => that power is in each of us, all it's needed to realise that potential within and begin to Tap the Power of YOU.
Next Trend Realty LLC./
2 年Thanks for sharing.