This is your 3-minute strategy for creating a winning TikTok ad for DTC/e-com.
Taylor Lagace
Co-CEO & Co-Founder at Kynship // Helping Ecom Brands Grow Their Bottom Line
This is your 3-minute strategy for creating a winning TikTok ad for DTC/e-com.
Read this before BFCM if you want to add 6 figures to your top line:
TikTok in 2022 is what Facebook Ads were in 2012.
It’s the greatest opportunity for cheap CPMs and a captive audience we’ve had in a long time.
Q4 is going to be your Superbowl if you do everything I mention in this article.
As powerful as TikTok is for advertising, 97% of marketers are using it the wrong way.
Their ads haven’t evolved for the platform.
I can all but guarantee that this 3-step strategy will change everything for you if your ads aren’t performing.
Let’s get into it.
Step 1: Getting in touch
In 2022, it’s very easy to find influencers who can rep your product. The hard part is now filtering out who’s a good fit and who’s not.
It’s not easy to get in touch with influencers on TikTok, so we have a backdoor route that we take instead.
We message them from inside the TikTok Creator Marketplace, which is going to be your favorite place online if you use it right.
This is how TikTok connects brands with creators to facilitate deals.
It’s way less cluttered than their IG DMs.
Send them this message:
“Hey {name}, my friends and I have been sharing your vids back and forth in a group chat - we absolutely love you!
I work for {brand} and we’d love to send you some free product, no strings attached.
If you’re down, lmk your address and we’ll send it over!”
For every 500 DMs you send, you’ll get 100 responses.
Sometimes it’s as high as 200, but we’ll stick with conservative numbers. It varies based on your influencer selection.
Once you send 500 messages like this, we proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Seeding and Repurposing
Once an influencer opts into receiving product from us and gives us their address, we send it right to them. And then we wait.
30% of the time, they’ll end up posting about their experience with us. Which is social proof + reach.
The video goes viral, and everyone’s happy…
But we don’t stop there.
Once the influencer posts, we request usage rights so we can repurpose the video as an ad.
The message we send gets us a 99% positive response rate.
This is what it looks like:
“{name}, thank you SO much for posting us, we’re so glad you love our product!
We’d love to share this content with our audience as well. Do we have your permission to share this from our account for 30 days?”
Then, we connect their account to our brand account, run their video as a SparkAd, and watch it run.
If it does well as an organic piece of content in terms of performance, it immediately tells us that there’s a good chance it’ll perform as an ad, too.
Step 3: Affiliates
If their content performs and goes viral, it means their audience is a good fit for us. Which is a huge green flag with influencer marketing.
This means that we’ll onboard them as an affiliate with Refersion or Social Snowball and they’ll get paid every time they post for us.
We pay affiliates better than any other brand, which means they’re incentivized to post us instead of someone else.
We’ll send the following message to them to make them an affiliate partner, which will lead to an extra few thousand per month in revenue (on top of their ad):
“{name}, we’ve loved working with you so far and we’re super down to make sure you get properly compensated for any future posts for {brand}.
If you’d like, we can onboard you onto our affiliate program and pay you 30% of all sales you make.”
Step 1: Get in touch
Step 2: Seeding + Repurposing
Step 3: Affiliates
Organic, authentic, genuine content from influencers that love your brand will turn TikTok into a revenue-generating machine just in time for BFCM.
If you want to chat about how we can help grow your brand with influencer marketing just in time for BFCM, we’d love to chat.
Book a call here:
Have a great weekend!