Your 2x in 4 years Opportunity
No points for guessing the this one.
Its BFSI or Banking, Financial Services and Insurance. It comprises
For this edition, we will just stick to how the Banking ecosystem deserves to be at the heart of your wealth creation journey in 3 digestible sections
Banking and the Economy: Intertwined Fates?
Everything in which involves money, impacts the banking sector. Everything which impacts the banking sector, impacts the economy. This may seem like a wide generalisation, but its more nuanced.
Think about it.
For instance, the government has put major forces behind infrastructure. Budget 2023-24 has allocated INR 75000 Crores for 100 projects deemed critical for enhancing logistics infrastructure alone.
This creates macro tailwind for banks -
All of this is not taking into consideration NBFCs and fintechs, which promise to further transform lending solutions
Take Oxyzo Financial Services, backed by Ofbusiness, for instance. They're rewriting the lending playbook by funding small businesses based on cash flows with innovative products like invoice financing, dropline overdraft, and work order finance.
We spoke to Asish Mohapatra, CEO Ofbusiness about some of the biggest money making opportunities in India.
??Tune in at your convenience.
How good is the Indian Banking System today?
In a nutshell - its solid!
Private banks are better than public banks, given higher focus efficiency and customer experience. But that is by no means a snub on public banks which have outperformed over the last fiscal.
But lets take a view of the forest before the trees -
The investment opportunity?
To me a good investment opportunity needs to have three things aligned -
My portfolio has 3 private banks, all qualifying very similar fundamental and technical criteria. They are
Now by no means is this investment advice and I would recommend speaking to your financial advisor before investing. And neither are these exhaustive criterias for evaluating a company (using PE ratios alone is very dangerous, and evaluating other fundamentals such as Free Cash flows is key), but you get the picture.
The broader point being that, given time corrections (technicals) + healthy earnings growth (fundamentals) + structural push (macro tailwinds), expecting an 18% IRR over 4 years is very reasonable.
In short, if youre looking for a simple 'double my money' opportunity, without excessive risk in the next half a decade (post tax), Indian banks maybe a good way to go
Disclaimer: All opinions stated here are for educational purposes only. Please speak to your financial advisor before making any investments