Your 2020 Strategy to Work Smarter
Nicole K?nig
Tu Gutes und rede drüber! ?Dein Shortcut von Reporting zu strategischem Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing?
Congratulations! You're an Entrepreneur.
Isn't it THE.BEST., creating positive change in the world?
But with the freedom of working on your own terms come other job descriptions.
For most of us, some of the 17 hats we need to wear come with a constant buzzing in the bonnet - they never really fit, they make us feel awkward or unaccomplished, they accumulate in silent, terrorizing to-do lists.
Where most entrepreneurs falter and fail: Trying to man a ship captain to mate.
While we generally got out of the 9-5 to follow the gift, purpose, and passion at the core of our business, there are skills we have to master working ON our business: goal-setting in 90, 180, or 365-day spurts, sales versus profit, income outlook, bookkeeping, marketing planning, client acquisition, positioning, business strategy, planning for growth and direction, professional development, statistics.
I'm willing to bet that at least one of these made you cringe guiltily. What are you skipping?
That's where the trouble starts because these CEO tasks start to STACK UP.
Suddenly (or that's what it feels like), you're looking at this overwhelming MOUNTAIN of things to do, things that needed to be done yesterday (or months ago).
It shows in stagnation - when you realize that what got you here won't get you there.
It shows in busy years without the bottom line to match - when you learn that knowing your numbers will take you from pricing to survive to pricing to thrive.
It shows in content that never makes it onto a (web) page, email inquiries that never turn into opportunities, a marketing strategy yet to unfold, a website update with the potential to bring in an actual profit, bookkeeping snippets and drafts.
And don't forget about family time and the things that need doing outside the office - raise your hand if you ever dreamed of a hermit-style life without crumbs, pet hair, and formal clothing.
Just imagining this ever-growing list of should-dos makes breathing into a bag for a little bit seem like an incredibly enticing option.
Breathe away - but listen.
You are the master of the task list in your head and bringing the stress of it into your real life. Believe me, I've been there, bought the T-shirt, lived with the ulcer.
Here's the good news:
Just as your brain can create havoc on your biz life, your mindset can work in the opposite direction, manifesting FLOW, and a basis for sustainable growth while practicing self-care and enjoying a life of abundance -in and outside your business.
I'm a big fan of focussing your energy and brain space on the overlap of brilliance and bliss:
- things you're naturally good at
- CEO skills that circle your core business
- things you may not be good at but have fun learning by doing
At the end of the day, you excel at and love your WHY.
As for the rest, and I mean all the rest, including a professional way of caring for your core asset (YOU!):
- Invest in smart tech.
- Do the math of what time-saving devices, apps, or freelance genius will cost you in dublones - and their ROI measured in the one currency you can't make more of: time.
- Maybe your ideal solution is a combination of cleaner, gardener, nanny.
- Or a team of virtual assistant, mindful marketing coach, social media manager.
- Or learning to go all-in on apps that help you streamline in a BIG way: Trello for wordflow and workflow, Debitoor for ALL things in-house bookkeeping, the Google Suite to work on, back-up, and collaborate, Canva as your 1-stop-shop for all graphic/image things social media.
- Get a GREAT bank that actually serves your business: Mine is just what I need as a translator working with clients from all over the world: receiving foreign currencies is effortless, there are built-in sub-accounts for business, VAT, and investments, and the bank seamlessly interacts with my bookkeeping software.
- Pay your teenage kids to take on chores.
- Hire a dog walker.
- Practice putting yourself first: Get a meditation coach or a personal trainer.
- And please, for the love of all things: HIRE. A. TAX. CONSULTANT.
You might think you don't have the money.
In reality, though, the time, energy, drive you free up will propel, will catapult you onward and upward.
Creating space to do what you love and do best will let you shine from your place of business brilliance, will let you experience the flow of thriving.
And you'll actually MAKE MONEY.
- Your project rate cut down to an hourly is higher than that of a cleaner or gardener - if it isn't, please re-do your numbers!
- Starting, re-starting, and generally multitasking on to-dos costs you time and energy - versus a focussed, set project flow from start to finish that'll have you feel accomplished, replenished, and PAID.
- You are 1 human. And your business depends on you. Respect your boundaries, including room for personal and professional development - mirrored as leverage to charge according to the level of quality you deliver.
What are your next best steps towards business brilliance & bliss?
Start from a place of abundance:
- You're worthy of financial freedom and complete independence.
- You're able to take your business all the way.
- There's more than enough business to go around.
- Invest in yourself because you believe in yourself.
- Focus on taking control of your day, and you'll take control of your business.
Your mind is yours to set up and control. So taking action is on YOU.
Know that I've been there.
The stress of holding everything together, especially when your family knows little to nothing of running and actually GROWING an online business.
The devastation looking at an ever-growing list of things to do, and (let's cut to the chase) money to make.
The hesitation of letting go of the fantasy that you can build, navigate, steer, control, clean, maintain, man AND market a ship longterm without smart systems and smart delegation.
It's taken some meditation, clarity work, and re-focussing on the core of my WHY. But today, I'm writing this from my bulging-with-literature, cozy, teal-walled office, my cuddly officer purring at my feet, a fresh cup of coffee at my elbow, giddy with gratitude and looking forward to my 2020 projects, my volunteer work, and the free space that makes all the difference.
Set your eyes on your business horizon - the place you want to end up.
Then set them on the space between where you are and where you want to be.
Interpreter || Translator of Brazilian Portuguese x English - I help entrepreneurs, individuals, lawyers, and LSPS communicate.
4 年Great push, Nicole. We sometimes can't see the forest from the trees - a very common situation.?
Professionelle übersetzungen Russisch-Deutsch
4 年Thank you! Very good motivation in the beginning of the year. Wishing you a great 2020!