Is your 2020 Data-Driven?
With the global datasphere expected to grow to 163 ZB (zettabytes) by 2025, the extraction of meaningful insights from data is imperative. Organizations need partner solutions to integrate with GCP’s data and analytics platform for the following use-cases:
- Real-time analytical data warehouse
- Data lake on Google Cloud Platform and hybrid solutions
- Ingesting and enriching data for analytics
- Leveraging the open-source ecosystem in Google Cloud Platform
- Data management solutions for diverse use cases
New and exciting business opportunities are emerging as data systems are designed to connect with architectures that consume and generate vast amounts of data, like the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning (ML), which is an application of the broader field of artificial intelligence (AI). These data systems must have the capability to interact and even merge with traditional data and analytics frameworks. These opportunities must be built on reliable big data processing that supports the analytics required at scale.
The Google Cloud Platform Data and Analytics product suite provide the foundation for comprehensive solutions that are not only capable of deriving actionable insights from vast amounts of data but of applying those insights in real-time.
Tell us about your Business & our experts will help you build the right solution for your organization's need!