Your 2019 Call To Turn Your Side Hustle To Your Main Hustle Is Now Boarding

Your 2019 Call To Turn Your Side Hustle To Your Main Hustle Is Now Boarding

An ode to my tribe who are wondering what will happen if they just let go and take the side hustle leap.

I'm hit with hundreds of messages a week asking me about the what if's and the I can't's and the if only's... To my amazing community on LinkedIn, after answering your individual questions and voice messaging hundreds of you individually pumping you up or kicking your butt, it's time I write this ode to you as a collective... and it's a must read.


What if you had zero fear? How different would your story be?

What if had wings to fly all along?

Those wings, they may have been clipped, broken, damaged or never used before but guess what? These wings have places to go, people to help, a purpose to live out and my goodness - it’s time to fly baby!

You have been waiting, and waiting for all the right signs to go...

But you know you need a little support and everywhere you look seems to be not quite right. Entrepreneurs who have been in business for years and years or coaches who have never been in the same shoes as you.

And what is that exactly?

You’re at the top of your career. You’ve achieved big goals, probably even earning a great monthly salary, from the outside your friends and family see you’re at the peak of your career. But there’s a calling. And you can’t shake it. You know it’s time to listen to your soul. You have this calling to be the entrepreneur you were always meant to be.

You LOVE your side hustle. In fact, you can’t wait to start working on it as soon as you get a single moment to. You make the time, you don't just find the time. First thing in the morning, lunch breaks, after work into the wee hours. Your weekends are full of creative ideas and you have just started to work out how to make some money in it. You have an amazing following and people are starting to recognise what you do. You have visablity. You have even started to make some money flow but you know it’s time to really turn on the income tap now.

You can see the vision of where you’ll be in 5 years. And it’s not at your corporate job. And that scares the living lights out of you but excites you even more.

You need WINGS.

Then you realise, wait, you already have WINGS. And yes they can work. And yes they can fly and YES they can help you soar even!

You are ready to do the work. You know you ARE a huge success, that you can have it all, that you do have it all and that you are right here on the edge of the best decision of your life to actively and intentionally call it in.

My clients know they are BORN to do so much more than to sit behind a desk. My clients see things that are already theirs to have - manifestation magic everywhere. My clients are conscious and they are awake to all the possibilities this world has to offer and it’s not in a regular pay check or a secure job anymore. My clients are creatives, my clients are coaches, my clients are mentors and teachers of the deepest life stories. Where their joys in giving back or devastating life events forms part of the soul that they are today.

As a coach I'm here to activate your purpose light. I’ll show you how to create your stage to speak to the MASSES like your message deserves. You are ready to reach new heights, fly to new financial goals - it's time to stop playing small and it's time to play HUGE.

The call to make 2019 the year to soar is now boarding!

Departure: Side Hustle

Arrival: Main Hustle

Boarding Now >>> Proceed To Gate

BOARDING GATE: If you're ready to activate your big dreams and call them in with intention, you'll love working with me as you take your leap. Chose between my 90-day or half year online mentorships which have transformed hustles globally.

My approach to hustle is all about soul connectedness, then money flow because these two work so strongly hand in hand.

The topics I love to cover include:

  • Your hustle and flow strategy: the link between doing the work, but also allowing all your clients to find you and to work with you with ease. Yes I hustle and hell yes I do the f*cking work, but I also allow my clients to sign themselves right up, no questions asked over and over again. This is the reason I bring in multiple 5-figure months with ease.
  • Branding strategy: What is your brand, your collateral, your marketing really saying about you? You'll be surprised as I tell you what you're telling me through your website and your socials. Often this alone is the ah-ha moment my clients have in realising why they're attracting all the wrong clients.
  • Personal brand: My baby. Literally this topic is everything to me and is the cut through values work every entrepreneur needs to do but will forget to do until it's too late. Let's talk deep levels of PB and how we can craft something so on point to help you ground into the business that you want to build and the clients you want to attract AND repel.
  • Social media strategy: Aye! Who doesn't love some social media. But stop it with the consuming already. Time to get intentional with your posts. Time to use your socials as your world stage, your purpose stage. I'm a big believer that you're able to play HUGE even with a small social media following. The secret? It's all about your engagement! You could have 20k followers and only 1% interact with you or you could have 2k followers and have 50% interact with you and convert to paid clients. I'll show you how to do this by always putting your values, purpose and what your soul wants first.
  • Mindset, body and spirit work including, how to journal with purpose, how to manifest magic and how to bust limiting beliefs: I'm a Sagittarius Sun and I love me some spiritual woo-woo in my life. I apply it to all parts of my biz including the power of mediation, manifestation, journalling and the magic of self belief. Many of my clients are beginner spiritual junkies but leave with grounding practices that set up their first year of business in a completely connected way.
  • Money, pricing with purpose, abundance work to create financial flow and money magnetism: Your money story plays a huge part in the ways you bring income into your hustle. I'm an accountant by background and I do love the numbers. Over the years I've deep dived into money mindset work and continue to dive into peeling back limiting beliefs for my clients over and over again to unlock unlimited earning potential. Let's get to work on this and dive deep. This topic is all sorts of excitement to me :)
  • And anything that comes up because it WILL!

I cannot wait to get started because dang, it’s time to soar your amazing powerful WINGS!

PM me for all the details, the commitment, the investment and questions. I'll send you a deeper dive into my programs and a link to locking in a consultation call.

I look forward to mentoring you from side hustle to main hustle. This is going to be one amazing ride! So come on, are you ready to proceed to the boarding gate? The journey and destination is incredible.


