Your 2016 report card for data driven marketing & advertising.
Last year, 3000 Marketers across 17 countries shared their views on data-driven marketing trends in The Global Review of Data-driven Marketing and Advertising 2015.
Global Alliance of Data-Driven Marketing Associations (GDMA) is scheduled to release its third annual edition of the survey report to be released in Nov-Dec 2016. The research report will provide the comparative analysis of how data-driven marketing and advertising (DDMA) is practiced across borders, intended to provide practitioners an important series of measures to help benchmark their efforts. You can claim the full edition of the 2015 and the 2016 report for free, if you participate in the research survey.
Check against the 6 trends and predictions for 2016 on how your organisation benchmarked on data led marketing & advertising efforts. There is still one quarter left to align your ship for course correction and reap the benefits from the global insights.
Funds to DDMA
Approx. 56.3 percent panelists increased their annual DDMA expenditures in 2015, while 68.6 percent expect the DDMA budgets to increase in 2016.
Data is Critical to Business
In 2015, about 81.3 percent marketers across 17 global markets described data as important to their efforts. This figured increased from 80.4 percent as compared to the research collected in 2014. While 59.3 percent in 2015 vs. 57.1 percent in 2014 believed the data to be critical to their efforts.
Bull Market in Force
About 74.1 percent of panelists were confident practicing DDMA and its potential for future growth. With respects to individual markets, only Germany was in majority of these confident panelists (86.4 percent).
Digital - The Next Big Steps
Panelists reported the increased spending on social media, web content, search and online display advertising.
First Party Data Rules
Two-third of the global panel (65.5 percent) reported that their DDMA use cases included third party data licensing to support their acquisition marketing efforts.
India /Asia is one of the 17 focused global markets for GDMA Survey and DMAasia has partnered with GlobalDMA and Winterberry Group to conduct the research for the third annual edition of The Global Review of Data-driven Marketing and Advertising 2016. Do you have a view to share? If yes, take this short survey here & make your opinion count. On your participation, you can claim a free copy of the GDMA Annual Survey Report.