Your 10-point respite and rejuvenation plan for world weariness
Lee-Anne Ragan
I create truly innovative, customized training workshops to energize your team and help you work better together so you can get on with your important business of changing the world.
If events of late have left you weary, feeling overwhelmed, and convinced you can’t do anything, I have some respite for you.
I have a 10-point respite and rejuvenation plan made just for you.
But first, these incredibly wise words from one of my all-time fav books of 2024 - Braiding Sweetgrass, Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer, which puts everything into context.
On joy, elusive as it may be right now
“Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair.? Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.”
On replacing the if-then formula
Robin says the “If-then formula is not working.”
Fill in the blanks with your topic of choice: if only people knew ____ then ____.
Meaning if people only knew what was happening then change would naturally come about.
Be it Gender-Based Violence, Racism, Democracy, Climate Change, Access to Education, and Clean Water - we are in trouble today.
Because the thing is people do know. ? And compassion, change, social justice, and empathy continue to be lacking.??
On despair?
“Despair is paralysis.? It robs us of agency,” says Robin.
If you’re feeling despair right now, my sincere wish is that you move through that feeling, avoiding the pull towards paralysis, using these ten tips for rest and rejuvenation.
1. Purpose
Now more than ever we need you.? We need your purpose, that thing that drives you, battered and bruised though it may be at the moment. Lift your head up and remember your purpose, your ‘why’.
2. Focus
There’s so much vying for your attention.? It’s rarely the good, often the bad, and usually the ugly.? So pick your pain - that specific thing that you want to address.? Be it a pebble in your shoe or a boulder in your path, focus.? Then sort out your path to pleasure a.k.a. how to change stuff. More on that below.
3. Prance with Praxis
Praxis is a popular education term that simply means cycling back and forth between action and reflection. Make sure you’re cycling.? Too much reflection and you’ll get analysis paralysis.? Too much action and you’ll burn out.? Blend the two.
4. Social Change Cycle
Theories of change (beliefs that underpin how we think change happens) can be complex and overwhelming, I get it.? And that’s not what you need right now.? Let’s simply.? Check out this social change cycle.? Pick your entry point and go go go.? Changing attitudes? Yes!? Influencing behavior? Yes!??
5. Breaks - Mini
We need you dear one, and your passion and enthusiasm for equity, for social change, for impact.? So now, more than ever, be kind to yourself and don’t burn out.? Take mini breaks.? Even a couple of deep breaths help (especially if you inhale through your nose because the oxygen gets into your system better that way).? Ditto for standing up (did you know increased sitting brings on the increased likelihood of 40 diseases?! So stand up (in more ways than one).
6. Breaks - Maxi?
While mini breaks are really important to build into your day-to-day so is an overall plan for bigger breaks to rest, recuperate and rejuvenate.
I don’t know about you but I’m leaning on and being leaned on particularly heavily right now. I’m reaching out to those affected by the USAID cuts and offering my support.? I’m hitting the dance floor with my informal “Dancing Queens” group and nurturing those relationships.??
Resource: In a world so divided, try my “Speed date your colleague” questions Parts One (personal-focused questions) and Part Two (professional-focused questions).
8. Community?
Beyond the one-on-one relationships, focus on your communities.? Gather round and support each other.? Reach out. Dig in.?
Resource: Share this gem of a book with your community and use it to support each other: The Lightmaker’s Manifesto; How to Work for Change Without Losing Your Joy
9. Remain open to the gifts of creativity
This crisis is going to take some time to get through and the costs will be very high.? Which is the perfect time to stay open to the gifts of creativity and innovation.? We need innovative thinking to dig ourselves out of this mess.? For example, discover what creative thinking and problem solving two random professionals, who are on standby 24/7 can give you.
Resource: See what I mean by this fun activity - How Actors, Zookeepers & More Are On Standby 24/7 To Help You
10. DEI - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Now more than ever before we need to open our minds, our hearts, and our souls to examining our power and privilege, addressing wrongs, working for social change, social justice, and equity.?
Resource: Check out my 2024 annual project on DEI (Part One, Part Two and Part Three).? Feel free to create a similar one for yourself.
On getting our hands wet and doing the dishes?
“We have enjoyed the feast. Generously laid out for us by Mother Earth but now the plates are empty, and the dining room is a mess. It’s time we started doing the dishes in Mother Earth’s kitchen.? Doing dishes has gotten a bad rap, but everyone who migrates to the kitchen after a meal knows that that’s where the laughter happens, the good conversations, the friendships.? Doing dishes, like doing restoration, forms relationships,” says Robin.
Know I’m standing with you, hands deep in the water, working for restoration and rejuvenation.
P.P. S.
Now go on and learn, laugh, and lead
Not so much laugh as be entertained and educated?