Not to sound too girly, but for several weeks I had needed to get my nails done (this new job just doesn’t allow time for such necessities). Finally, I found a spot I could go and called to get in; no availability. Seems summer pedicures and wedding parties in Saint Joseph are top priority and my offers for large tips for availability purposes got trumped. Thinking of sweet summertime brought back many memories of the good ol’ days when I was not afraid of looking in the mirror, and my youthfulness allowed me to do many things that are not just glimpse memories that I watch rotate by on my photo frame.
Why is youth so amazing? In my opinion the greatest thing about young people is that they are unproven. I have never heard an 18-year-old say, “we already tried that, it didn’t work.” Or “that's how we have always done things.” Not having a past is a huge attribute, and one that all of us in business should embrace. Want to get futuristic insight or even today’s insight on anything – ask a young person. One warning: after asking you must listen and make change based on these suggestions. And you cannot say to yourself, that will never work, we have already tried that. I am serious, you must think “unproven.” Ailee Langdon came to BioZyme? as an intern last summer and impressed us so much with her work ethic and fresh ideas that we snatched her right up as a full-time employee, so we could keep her freshness in our team.
This unproven characteristic allows them to bring fresh ideas and fresh perspectives. Youth means a new way of thinking. Millennials (18 to 34) now outnumber Boomers (51 to 69). Fast Company research suggests 68% of millennials say creating change is a personal goal, while only 42% of boomers do. There’s that word people hate, change. Young people are change agents. Embrace that. No matter whether they are customers, employees, interns or visiting for the day; we all need to think about how amazing “fresh” corn on the cob is. Young people are even better. Cody Jensen came to BioZyme after being the President of the National Junior Hereford Association Board. He had many fresh ideas on how we could better support show cattle and ended up driving the development of Sure Champ? Climate Control - a product that took the show world by storm last summer.
In all these scenarios there was impact. This impact does not come without commitment on the part of the Company. Training must be a part of your modus operandi as well as having processes that allow for the time to discuss not just do. However, with that little bit of effort and if we embrace the incredible value of our youth, we will see significant IMPACT! At BioZyme youth is a part of everything we do, not because it is easier (change is not easy), but because we are looking for care that comes full circle as our IMPACT!
Win the future – think youth!