Guide to CSIRO Pt.7/12

Guide to CSIRO Pt.7/12

In CSIRO Division of wool Technology advantage of computers took time. There were many resistant forces, IT, management, staff...they were always looking at glossy claims, I just simply purchased my own computing equipment on the advice of new magazine "Byte-1988". If I waited for the CSIRO decision few years would have passed and opportunity would have been lost. Here I will discuss the development of Dr.Kirby theoretical model of wool combing, its origins and numerical method ( with aid of then new technology ). Some of this discussion have already started in Part 6 of this series of publication.

I suggest reading "Young User Guide to CSIRO, Part 6" as prerequisite. Also quick read of part 1-5 would be an advantageous.  

Part 6 discusses in start details of the Belin and Kirby approach to theoretical combing. There is no IP in this but definition of limits to physical combing based on the fibre physics - necessary work, and bread and butter for CV publication list. 

Important justification for Combing project. No2

At the start of my Combing project under BVH, I suggested " lets follow the carding project by "speeding the operation" up and see where it leads, we can run the comb at short duration at high speed to see what breaks first; comb or fibre, meanwhile I will get the time to get to the grips of the mechanics of the comb technology".

My initial experiments were carried out on a PB25L an antiquated 1962 comb using mechanism different to a 1989 comb, but not too dissimilar. After fitting the comb with a larger computer controlled variable speed and constant Torque motor allowing for a greater load I run the speed trials . It was disturbing for the people of the Cotton building at speeds 40% above nominal speed it shook the floor. I got my first set of disturbing results in 1989 Nov, after few months - noil ( waste product short fibre ) stayed the same and Nep and VM ( contaminants ) reduced see Figure 1. A WoW moment for me as a scientist engineer. The results were initially dismissed as "counter intuitive" by BVH, it was just 2 of us at that stage. My view was the science is made from that result that can not be explained - need more experimental results and more recant comb, so I asked - "can I use the PB29L comb?". The PB29L comb was then the state of the art of the newly constructed CSIRO mill. The answer was NO, as others in the group depend on the results from that comb; according to BVH - disappointing result, as BVH also stated "can you do something without taking the comb apart or running trails that will not damage the comb" - bizarre direction give to an engineer. 

The "speed trails" eventuated on a PB29L, then a modern comb. As a result of the comb speed trails and counter intuitive results we needed to repeat the trail again and again. As this was a significant result BVH and I agreed that I need a technical assistant, so I hired "Kevin B" my second choice, the woman I offered the job to was employed by Deakin University as we were slow to act. She and Kevin both had mechanical skills but she had the qualification for Technical Officer. I hired Kevin a decision I got to regret ,during my trails on PB25 he made a fundamental error of measurement which cost me 3 months of work to investigate and track it down. He took measurements of small amounts "noil" and large amounts "comb sliver" on a scale designed to measure 0-25Kg accurately, without using 0-500g to measure noil. Kevin measured everything on a 0-25kg scale - my fault I assumed that he had certain technical competency. The main time lost was also in counting the neps and VM, a very time consuming task, and demand by many other staff members ( more important then myself and in constant need to publish even the smallest variation in results ) . The two issues will be covered in another publication of this series - as result of being less important, I was constantly bumped down by priority for nep counting - I was simply not important to keep my place in a job stack. As a result of that problem and few others ( numerical model of Belins theory - computational inadequacy of 1988 software and hardware) which I have covered earlier and will cover in more detail as this series of publication progresses, but that could not be explained to BVH as his PhD was a stack of job punch cards in Fortran for his PhD thesis calculating simple geometry of crystal structure ). Those two events cost time, I started loosing credibility with BVH - and group leaders can be fickle resulting in "no-confidence" . 

Please read background information how the project was prioritized in out in: 21 Sep 10, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO ( part 2 ) 

Figure 1. Speed trail PB29L and and PB25L significant result - moderate increase in noil ( rejected fibre length or waste product ) and counter intuitive results decrease in Nep and VM - contaminates of combing an undesired result in a fibre. VM - Vegetable matter and Nep are simply tangled fibre. This was a significant result I got with aid of Dr.Kirby by now a full partner in a comb productivity search. A WoW moment for me as a scientist engineer, most results do not come as clear cut as that.....:-) I must be just lucky, but they are my results. 

In 1991 "Peter" was a person in charge of Dr.Kirby's, effectively his supervisor. Dr.Kirby was then a newly minted PhD from Melbourne University ", Peter fund him unsuitable" ( there was an incident in which Kirby didn't show enough reverence for a graduate of Oxford for those that don't know it its in UK :-) ) this created a problem for BVH who promptly moved Dr.Kirby to my project to overcome his loss of confidence in my ability. This also created a problem for me as I was now competing with a person who had something to prove to CSIRO. I also now had a problem of a well spoken Melbourne University PhD attacking my approach to the combing project - he quickly changed his approach after discovered that I can produce a numerical model of combing ( this "quickly" means about almost 1 year), that I had a viable project, that I was on the right track and that I had viable technology "Sokolov cams". As Result of that my experiments in productivity at elevated speed gained a valuable partner in the speed productivity experiments. The speed trails were repeated and we now had another WoW moment - a repeat of anomalous result that was counter-intuitive. ( I had no problem to Dr.Kirby becoming a principal author on my work PB25L speed result that was printed into a CSIRO G-report , I was a second author. I hoped that would have gone some way of healing his problem with "Peter" and it did. Please note the first two authors are always credited & cited with the work on any publication the rest a just "ships ballast" - "authors" if one can call them of no consequence , one is aware of group leaders adding their names to any publication as last "author" to bust their CV publication list but that is their vanity)

The lead picture shows myself on the left at wine tasting and Brendan Kirby on the right. Middle person is a vineyard owner. I think we ( Kirby and I ) now formed a formidable team with hindrance from BVH and latter "Ken" . Good projects attracts attention....There is no substituent for power that comes from the office holder - Lord Group Leader; his whims and "mates" count especially if there is an opportunity of piano playing. 

Kirby Model of combing and publication.

In 2003 I was contacted by Dr.Kirby and was asked if I still had the software I developed and whether or not I would be able to generate new set of figures for publication. He also told me that he will be dealing with "Ken". 

I maintained all of the models of combing since 1997 ( noil, breakage and hooks) I re-generated all my software generated from Kirby and Belin work from Pascal and C++ to modern Sim software. In expectation of publication using new tools associated in MathCad also known as MathConnex. More people are familiar with similar software existing today as Matlab and Simulink. In 2003 I updated the software to Simulink included direct mechanical simulation with fibre properties (noil, hooks and breakage). Here is a sample of 1996 software - note the icons represent "working programs" that pass data on. Arrow indicates the computation direction - yes much like Simulink.

Figure 2. Represents variety of fibre length distribution, in this case we can see a "triangular" theoretical distribution used in my proof of numerical method. On the graph the points are generated by the software, only 3 pair of points are required to generate triangular distribution. They are not equal space but conform to n and (n-f) location. Dismissed by "Ken" and BVH. see my previous post.  

Figure 3. Represents  Combed Beard and Tuft calculation. The icons represent the computation ( see my simulation using apron mechanism, they had individual icons I designed - here I am using generic icons to save time ). The arrows on the left and the Right indicates that this is a sub set of a single computational icon. The disk icons indicates the file data extracted for publications. 

At this stage I got the idea that I would have to maintain all of my software and upgrade it as required. My mission at Comb R&D P/L was to keep the software alive as CSIRO expected this to be done "free of charge" and no recompense or recignition to my achievements.

Figure 4. Represents the two derivations of T(t) number of fibers moving from a fix observed location. T(t) is Belin-Verhagen derivation and T*(t) is Kirby derivation - both were simulated by Sokolov numerical program and both tested against "triangular and square" distribution for zero residual error. The Kirby correction is significant (and real), as it can be seen from a pair of plots T*(t) and T(t). The tuft profile T*(t) is the number of fibres that are stationary at position t from the tip of the tuft. Not bad for early 1990 software written from base code. 

Figure 5. Represents T*(t), Dr.Kirby modified function and Tuft shape produced on the comb apron. The above plot of the expression gives number of moving fibres at tip of the beard as the beard tip moves from 0-f (feed distance). The plot shows 3 diffrent feed distances, peak is maximum number of moving fibres. The apron move in the Dr.Kirby's Theory is not related to the mechanism of combing, I have since then I have added the comb directly into this theory so that sliver linear density can be calculated and comb settings recommended. 

Figure 6. Represents T*(t) max, Dr.Kirby as function of the entry point from the beard tip. This is the Max of Figure 5 plotted as single point

Figure 7. Represents beard shape, noil and brown indicates the tuft shape on the apron. ( all hand coded in C and Turbo Pascal - no fancy mathematical package )

Here is the request directly from "Ken" on the CSIRO letter head note the request for software. When CSIRO wants something they place it on a letter head. I recognized by this stage that I was placed on a "black list" as I have applied for few other CSIRO jobs not even getting an interview position, and here CSIRO was expecting my work for no payment. NOTE: I was made redundant as my work was redundant (ruse by any other name).

I always thought "bigger the signature" smaller the man. Note the request for the "copies of the procedures, include computer code used for the simulation" ( Ken has next to nothing knowledge of C++ or TurboPascal 6 as used in the simulation) .According to BVH " others have my skills around the division, after all the cam work and coding was carried out under instructions and from ideas of others - you are redundant "( Really?)

During my Masters of Science - on the nipper jaw cavity fibre retention I had a conversation with "Ken" along this line;

Nick "Ken, I was told that CSIRO makes positions redundant not people. My results from my Masters are valuable as you require them - how about paying for a year outside CSIRO and my cost. Same as it was given to David J and Bruce H."

Ken: " You will complete your Masters and if you do not give it to me CSIRO will request an inter-library loan, I will get your results one way or another. While we are on topic of PhD students Bruce had his PhD questioned and BVH acting as his supervisor has written it - BVH could not have a student fail and David also had his content quality questioned - but Peter will be fixing that. Do you want to graduate or not with my help?. ...B**** said this is a last time we will have PhD students".

I did learn something from my father ;"never ever get pressured to do anything". Ken got his answer very smart and very quick. 

Yes "Ken", I will just hand over "everything" so I can starve to death while you prosper. Just to re- emphasis I was unable to get another job as my list of publication was limited and my career at CSIRO was junked at whim of BVH. This was all great news to Sclumberger in Europe. Please note that my redundancy letter had a sticker "1995 - year of the family". 

"Ken" not shortly after my stress leave wanted me to go from full income as ES3M ( there was a change in classification during my stay) to work for "nothing". He was doing me a favor and was being generous - how low did they think of my ability to comprehend and not to retaliate. 

Best thing was to stick to the work but not share results, it keeps the mind occupied and hands busy. At this stage I started wondering about a new project in combing - software and sensors to detect the loss of precision in combing elements. I had this thought ever since we used the high speed video and observed components lose precision at 270-300cpm ( normal combing occurs at 210-240cpm ).I promptly started my PhD on topic of Wavelets, and 3 month later my PhD proposal was successful.see my Resume and LinkedIn publication on my PhD topic.

3 Oct 30, 2014 Wavelets v Heisenberg uncertainty (part 1)

I informed CSIRO , however they moved "their interest into next key word - nano technology and carbon tubes" for which there was a formal CSIRO recognition for "Ken" - I got no idea what the work was - secret CSIRO business I imagine as it had a magic new tech label- nano tubes attached ( nothing had changed just new buzz words got attached same old "ken", however combing went on in the background). 

Here is an evolution of how I disappeared from CSIRO publication on combing. 

First BVH bailed from the list (on the grounds that it was a "circular argument" and not working ) then "Ken" ( because BVH said it was "no good") but he altered the original title..Next publication. It is a more realistic method of calculating noil as it can be related to the mechanics of the comb. The advantage being that my software can set up experiments in combing. Great job by Dr.Kirby. 

I did appreciate the thorough nature of the corrections that CSIRO makes to any publication. But at this point one must remember that publication is not IP or Patents they are dissemination of knowledge - becoming common knowledge. In reality what I was doing was considered unimportant by generating IP and Patent - that was not as important as a publication list. Here is the next Dr.Kirby.

Almost gone from the publication list despite the fact that I had the software to calculate interesting results and mechanical knowledge of the Comb and that the experiments were generated on combs carrying "Sokolov Cams". The paper had less merit as did not included the mechanics of the comb as discussed in previous publication of this series. One last thing here is "Ken's" suggesting on the publication moved up as an inspiration to the work.

and the mission is accomplished.

In the next publication I will explain use of selection function and Kirby's theory that avoids selection function, a construct ( I will also derive the selection function from Kirby's work and compare cumulative error due to line v curve relationship between n and (n-f) ). The selection function was a construct by Belin and Verhagen as they lacked grasp of the mechanics of the comb and they lacked computing power. I began to acquire computing equipment and software between 1985-1995. CRD P/L today have computing power ( including storage) exceeding some university & CSIRO departments. That will also be covered in another post in this series ( plenty to write about " Young users Guide to CSIRO"). 


Combing project was dependent on my software and hardware to make it success. I recognize Dr.Kirby also as an equal partner in a successful project. During my redundant I was told by BVH : " there are others with your skill set and who are better at this work". Clearly this was driven by personalty clash and need to keep "mates" in positions. My publications demonstrates clear interest in my work post redundancy. It is also clear that CSIRO took more then 10 years to publish Dr.Kirby's and my work, it clearly shows that there were no further success on our project after we left. We also know that project IP and patent was given away due to indiscretion. 

The combing project is still current and I have a solution to unidirectional simplified comb. The result will make billions in productivity improvement. The CSIRO had 20 years of what I thought would have been a simple solution to implementation. Instead the initial IP and key was lost through indiscretion. The N.S.C. Sclumberger shows no intention or ability to move into new technology - their benefit and interest is "more combs" to sell and not to reduce the number of combs per mill due to the productivity increase through cleaver machine design.

This project was a full time job 60-70h of work. It was not only the theory of combing for publication but 3D CAD, CNC machining and new technology convergence. Non of which was fully appreciated at CSIRO division of Wool Technology. BVH response to my comment on working hours during the redundancy process was "no one asked you to work those hours...". ( During my stress leave I was also at home worked on numerous computer codes involving, manufacture, Lisp for CAD, and software to make the project a success in a short time. I developed a solution but I was not ready to simply give it away and reduce my chances of keeping my job and promotional prospects )

The picture shows "Ken" next to Dr.Kirby at the cotton mill filming with use of High speed Video - Cotton comber - a much simpler machine to a worsted wool and flax comb. Thought like many other thought bubbles by BVH, Ken and others was - "why not simply the worsted comb to cotton comber and combine the combing heads to increase the productivity". Valid thought but a thought bubble designed to create ownership after I spent many hours getting to grips with both technologies.  ( During this site visit - Ken was driving the CSIRO car at night on a country road - Kirby and I got stuck into him for his low knowledge of combing math and machine. as I result he was speeding and he got a speeding ticket. We did not see Ken for few weeks - he was busy writing justification to management for CSIRO to pay his speeding fine - when he eventually emerged he was unhappy, I guess Barry could not "fix" that problem ).

I did not know what was happening behind my back....and in sight of everyone just like CTM project my success prior to this (20 Sep 10, 2015 Guide to CSIRO ( part 1 )

Figure 8. I have constructed many cams in demonstrating my ability to build the existing comb and create room to construct the high speed comb doubling the productivity without increasing the speed of combing my second criterion of design. This work resulted in software to drive CNC available on site so we could make large thickness cams such as those described in previous posts. Red colour on the surface of the cams indicates fibre interaction regions.

Figure 9. Just a reminder that the technology is still current - note the use of Sokolov cams on the NSC Sclumberger comb. But I assume that they do not know what the next step is. My belief is that everything I done at CSIRO was conveyed to the NSC Sclumberger. However I did not share all of my knowledge I was careful - so it is to my surprise that the next big step in combing has not been taken. I have had discussion with Dr.Kirby about the technology but not how its actually accomplished. Like my cams they ae simple and can easily be conveyed, so I choose not to disclose and not to place confidence in CSIRO or Sclumberger. 

Figure 10. This is a model of a full size comb PB31, operated by a motor and capable of demonstrating my Mastery over the technology. This mastery was due to Computer technology such as faster CPU, larger storage, 3D CAD and many other 1985-1995 incoming technology. I have not constructed the "Sokolov Comb" for the fear of being raided by CSIRO or simply have a third party or Dr.Kirby convey the design concept. It is important to note that incorporates all the ideas of "unidirectional tuft movement". What I do not want is BVH claiming any insight into Dr.Kirby's and my work. ( that also extends to "Ken" ). I expected to have a full prototype running by 1997 without Sclumberger - If I was still their employee. It is now Nov2015 and no comb agreement with CSIRO. The new Sokolov comb would have come as a total shock to the NSC Sclumberger who grew complacent with complexity of the comb - and considered that to be an unassailable position ( they neglected the rise of the PC, CAD and cheap CNC equipment made in China ).

Figure 11. This is my living room c1997. At that stage I was unemployed ( working as session staff at VUT ) working on my Masters degree in clamping forces and friction experienced by fibre in the nipper jaw mechanism. I believed in the next comb design and I was unwilling to give up my dream. Unfortunately for me there were only two player CSIRO and Sclumberger - both trying to extract an advantage from my work. I was very afraid as I seen the possibilities and I thought that its only a matter of time before they move, but despite 20years of development and numerous promises by local CSIRO next step did not eventuate. That is the same amount of time between Mr.Belins and Dr.Verhagens time and that of Dr.Kirby and myself. 

Figure 12. This is still my living room. But note I sold my car and was exclusively commuting to Victoria University on my motorcycle under all conditions. My children were removed from Geelong Grammar a point of disagreement with BVH who believed that I was "wasting my money" by sending my kids to an exclusive private school. At age 35 years at time of my redundancy the payout was very small and because I was under 55 years of age it was consumed by tax a consequence of which I still live with. Next year was a great year for CSIRO , Ken and BVH; I was run over by a 4 wheel drive and nearly reduced to a destitution, however after a few operations I was back to normal and riding my motorcycle. Post 2000 was great for my company as I discovered the incomes in the mining industry.

Figure 13. In c2005 I was able to rebuild the Comb R&D lab space and computing. It included MPI super computing facility, 3D printing, laser cutting, and 5 axis CNC machine covers in my earlier post. This lab now exceeded the specification of CSIRO my former work space and some university labs. My storage of data increased to 35Tb and ability to do complex mechanical analysis using Matlab, Simulink, C++OOP, CAD3D,ADAMS and ANSYS FEA ( software accessed form Victoria University and now some is owned by CRD P/L). I also developed Wavelet based FEA - new approach to FEA and basis of my PhD. I am capable of developing a 1/2 scale articulated Sokolov Comb as a Master Craftsman, however I am limited to a full implementation due to CSIRO "T&C" and ability to protect the IP from Sclumberger. 

Suggested reading: 14 May 17, 2015 Art of 3D CNC/CAD/3DP

11 Apr 11, 2015 Mechatronic project and automation (Part 2)

The Comb P/L or simply CRD in 2015 has expanded even more into technology awaiting the construction of a critical part of the wool industry - namely rectilinear comb made by Sclumberger. It is my vision to have the NSC Sclumberger make our comb under our licence and return the proceeds from IP to Australia and Australian wool grower who initially funded this project ( I would like some return too :-)

Figure 14. c1998 ..the whole project in Combing and my PhD in Wavelets came to a sudden stop as I was run over by a Toyota land cruiser while going to Victoria University for my teaching work. It destroyed my left side of my body, but after 2 years (&2 operations) I made a partial recovery . In 2013 I was back to Taekwondo and are now 2015, I working for a higher grade black belt - not even large 4 wheel drive vehicle can put a dint into my enthusiasm to win. ( one needs exercise if work is stationary on a computing desk ...recommended )

Theoretical model of combing now encompasses all of the Dr.Kirby's theory and is now linked to the mechanics of the machines. Dr.Kirby's theory relied on observation of the apron movement and feed setting- all unifying computer model ( fibre+mechanics) can depart from that baseline and vary the fibre parameters which can generate the necessary mechanical setting and components through CNC to optimize the wool production. That was my intention in 1988 but required to wait 25 years for this "overnight" disruptive technology. I said it many times - if you are wearing clothing like a business suit - you are wearing technology touched by my components and made by Sclunberger. 

High speed combing was only possible due to my innovation in cams some of which I covered in my earlier posts. Those innovation in Cam drive has only scratched the beginning of my insight.

There were lots of "theories" by BVH and Ken asking for my expertise to design a wool comb that was as simple as cotton comber. I will tackle that in another publication as I did lot of work examine the mechanics of cotton comb. I was an "Engineer" that was enough for BVH and "Ken" ( glorified Technical Officer as opposed to real scientist with Physics degree and study of diffraction technology as an example ") and I was not designing a new comb withing weeks of being asked - my additional problem was another engineer name "David" acting as "group engineering adviser" (not an official position but official "know it all") for the Physical processing group and telling everyone "this is what needs to be done" without actually doing anything. It was interesting as I used to spend time in CSIRO car park assisting Technical staff with repair of their cars. Many of CSIRO Assistance and Technical staff were driving old cars and need help - I was there to help. David used to walk past and "direct me" how to do the repairs - what cheek ( I have never seen his hands dirty ). Lets now cover the topic of the Wool comb theoretical model.

Figure 15. Dr.Kirby and Dr.Sokolov in c2006, I was on my way to Olympic Dam - BHPB and stopped in Adelaide to see my old friend. I looked burned as I enjoyed desert motorcycle ride to the mining site. The height of the mining boom funded Comb R&D P/L lab space. Dr.Kirby just completed his theological training as has started his Christian church and charity work giving up his DESTO employment. Compare this picture to my lead picture taken 15 years earlier. I still have friends from CSIRO although they were by now ex-CSIRO and working for DESTO. That is respect unlike some people in Geelong that avoided contact even in shopping centre - that is ok, small minds from people that didn't even work near us. ( It is sometimes hard to wave to someone you knew for 8 years only to have them cross the road...Thank you BJK- Kirby for your friendship beyond CSIRO)

Figure 16. In 1999, Dec I purchased my new bike to the horror of my orthopedic surgeon. The picture is of my bike near Pyramid hill in desert. If one looks close enough one can see my reflection in the helmet. My ride to the mining location BHPB-Olympic Dam read..8 Dec 12, 2014 FIFO to work - my best commute.

Consider This:

I own the combing technology that would allow the local manufacture of a comb -but it can only be achieved with help of CSIRO. NOTE: CSIRO only needs to protect the IP and Lab22 needs to construct the final working prototype. ( Billions return to wool and fibre industry. This needs to be done as I was a CSIRO employee and my post CSIRO is covered by "T&C" of employment).

Which organization gets rid of an author and his partner in discovery, principal of a commercial patent just as a breakthrough was in progress????


Current question: How does one create an incentive for CSIRO to cooperate in a national interest of the wool grower?

Can CSIRO admit they made a mistake?

Can an individual havd a win over such a large organization? 

Note: it takes 20 years to get one in position of criticism over CSIRO and to still hold on to the dream of halving the cost of worsted combing and hence worsted wool preparation.

There will be more in the next installment of " Young users Guide to CSIRO".

The only victim in this process was the Australian wool grower 

compare how Kirby and I looked 20y earlier and then 10y later and now , I have beome younger, but one thing is constant I will never stop wanting to build the high production comb - I have a dream of Australian Comb, just like jump-stop plough. An Aussie wool comb superior to English, then French combing systems....another WoW moment in the making ....:-) 

Figure 17. This is an extract from: CSIRO textile news 27 Feb 1997. It was already known to CSIRO that the Sclumberger was in possession of key technology. It was also know that I was in Europe, what they did know that I did not disclose technology naively, someone has done that already. As was concluded in Europe by Sclumberger "no one minds CSIRO visiting they always have great research fibre properties program, what they do not have is an engineering ability in the division of Wool Technology to modify the comb beyond that done by Sokolov". However one must note that engineering generates an IP and Patent and its supported by science when exploring the alternatives and assigning efficiency. That is the point missed by CSIRO, and I think my technology was given away without real knowledge of its value. After all, we are colonials, with limited knowledge of machine design - I cringe at thought of that. I did not disclose anything beyond what was on display at NSC Sclumberger research center prior to ITMAR 96. Post this point BVH and Ken are back to 25 year old carding project ( same old dogma) - that project and ultra high speed carding had no future as eventually mills ditched the wide card for 3 smaller cards, two that work and one under maintenance model. New goal - Nanotechnology -nothing like a new name, it will take public few years to work out that its chemistry and physics same as before - since laws of physics have not changed ( timing is important 2003 publication of Dr.Kirby's work, it means that they were working on a "redundant" project and failing to deliver the next technology. I thought and feared that they had all the components, and they did, but not my ability to assemble and deliver a high productivity comb)

I suggest reading "Young User Guide to CSIRO, Part 6" as prerequisite on NSC60 cams v Sokolov50 cams. Time frame for NSC Sclumberger to develop the technology that was running in Geelong was not there - perhaps they just had sufficient time to scramble for a build to demonstrate "parallel development" . Once again , I am not that naive...:-) . Research and collaboration is sometimes an art of timing and Sclumbergur has done an excellent job on CSIRO.

"....preliminary study"....Love this.


Thank you for reading my post. 

Refrences: Consider Reading my other posts..

>>>>>>>>Topics that are Bold are related

25 Oct 21, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 6)

24 Oct 10, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 5)

23 Sep 28, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 4)

22 Sep 27, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO ( part 3 )

21 Sep 10, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO ( part 2 )

20 Sep 10, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO ( part 1 )

19 Jul 5, 2015 Mining Fan modal analysis

18 Jun 29, 2015 Mining Fan Failure and analysis

17 Jun 22, 2015 Cam linkage motion analysis - Front comb

16 Jun 10, 2015 Flash Furnace model, method & Gauss solution

15 May 30, 2015 Rod Mill failure analysis

14 May 17, 2015 Art of 3D CNC/CAD/3DP

13 May 4, 2015 WiFi & RF noise

12 Apr 26, 2015 Flash Furnace - Sensors

11 Apr 11, 2015 Mechatronic project and automation (Part 2)

10 Jan 4, 2015 Furnace - Venturi scrubber improvment

9 Dec 20, 2015 Mechatronic project and automation (Part 1)

8 Dec 12, 2014 FIFO to work - my best commute.

7 Dec 8, 2014 Be Green - LCD monitors recycled

6 Nov 28, 2014 Navigate 6DOF CAD in 3D printing

5 Nov 25, 2014 Worsted Combing - Rise of Computing (part 1)

4 Nov 2, 2014 Mechanical Computer - prime numbers

3 Oct 30, 2014 Wavelets v Heisenberg uncertainty (part 1)

2 Jul 14, 2014 UAV CH47 remote control with Saitek X52Pro.

1 Jun 26, 2014 HPC-MPI Super Computing Cluster

How do I sum up CSIRO management in one picture....

This is trousers being removed inside out with underwear and presented to be washed by my teenage son - it is innovative and reduces the effort. :-) in removing two garments and turning then the right way out - that was left to the parent :-)

Dr.Nick.Sokolov CRD

PhD(Wavelets).MS.BE.(ME,EE), Owner CRD P/L, Father of the Australian Worsted Comb Fibre processing Technology

8 年

Updated graphics - I experiencing some loss of graphics since LinkedIn has charged how pictures and graphics are inserted into a publication. It a lengthy publication - one can just scan the figures ...enjoy :-)



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