Young Teachers
As a young 23 year old Student Intern I speak with compassion and empathy on the subject of young teachers .Any young person who chose the profession of teaching has successfully followed their passion and calling in life .
As a student who started teaching at the age of 19 years old there are many mistakes and blind spots that we need to look out for when we go into the teaching profession .. I would like to implicitly share that it is absolutely important for young teachers to get along with the older ' staff members ' reason for this is most of the 'older or more experienced ' staff members know the correct teaching practices that engage learners in their learning process and correct disciplinary measures and strategies that took years of experience and implementation to master .
Appropriate Clothing is one of the aspects that make up a whole professional teacher, a teacher who dresses well and presents him/herself in a clean and presentable look spreads confidence around the classroom and learners engage with you in a more pleasant manner .
Teaching occurs in different forms , shapes and sizes so during your first year of teaching it is important to always find time to engage with learners on a one on one basis .. Find out about their lives , feelings , emotions , dreams and aspirations I promise you it is the only time you will find yourself as a student of life .
As the great businessman and personal development coach and author Napoleon Hill once said : ' Have a pleasing personality ' this means be willing to learn from your colleagues and peers and always have an open mind to new ideas and feedback .. Communicate with your colleagues , chill with them in the staffroom and spend quality time trying to learn and understand your colleagues background and identity before you can start introducing yourself .