Young people taking the lead.
I wanted to share a very short outline of some recent work illustrating the power and voice of the young people we work with and build at Voyage.
It was during black history month 2022 when a number of corporate companies invited some of our under 15 year old young people into their professional spaces to introduce them to their sectors and meet their teams. During our interaction our young people were quick to tell these corporate companies why they are not immediately drawn into the city of London and compelled them to do more to encourage young people from Hackney to apply.
Our young people were set real challenges faced by these companies and were tasked with coming up with solutions using the some of the practical teachings and tools of the trade. It was amazing to see how the young people revelled in these challenges and came up with unique solutions to under investment and income generation strategies, truly impressing our partners. It was great to see the faces of very well paid individuals express amazement and delight when each of the young people stepped up to present their arguments.
On a personal note it was great to feel the receptivity of these companies to the young people and to experience an openness to ideas of transforming recruitment strategies and moving equity, diversity and inclusion from a tick box into a tangible reality. Most of our partners have agreed to work with us over a longer period to ensure we can convert inspiration into jobs for young people. So I look forward to building these relationships and working with corporate London to ensure our young people make smoother and well supported pathways into jobs in the city of London and beyond.
Im using this note to send a big thanks to some of our partners (you know who you are) that have gone above and beyond to support and accommodate us in the face of such cynicism and what can look like a corporate frenzy to be an ally advancing race equality and access.
Thank You..