Young people distrust democracy and prefer dictatorship - hello 1930s once again.
Dr Hillary Shaw
Visiting Fellow - Centre for Urban Research on Austerity at Dept of Politics and Public Policy De Montfort University
Young people losing faith in democracy,
Germany, early 1930s,
2 May 1933, Trades Unions were forbidden in Germany.
26 April 1933, The Gestapo German secret police force was established.
23 March 1933. Germany passed 'Enabling Laws' giving Hitler dictatorial powers. The Act, officially entitled ???Law to Relive the Distress of the People and Reich???, passed by 44 votes to 94, enabled Hitler to rule by decree for 4 years, bypassing both the Reichstag and Hindenburg.
21 March 1933, The first meeting of the German Reichstag, after the fire of 27 February 1933.??? The Reichstag met in the garrison church in Potsdam, a historical site of Prussian military power.
5 March 1933. The Nazis won almost half the seats in the German elections (43.9% of the vote). The Communists won 12.3% of the vote.??? Hitler capitalised on the Reichstag Fire (27 February 1933) to raise the spectre of a Bolshevist takeover of Germany. The result was, Nazis 288 seats, Social Democrats 120 seats, Communists 81 seats, Centre 74 seats, National People???s Party 52 seats, Others 32 seats.
1 March 1933. The Nazis began mass arrests of all political opponents.