The Young Officer - an Excerpt
Zagros Railroad Tunnel

The Young Officer - an Excerpt

Most of my research is based on validated evidence and experiences of a former deep cover agent who has my under agreement of non-disclosure until his death. Following is an excerpt?from the memoirs:

In the ongoing discussions re BRONZE BOW progress, COL Lloyd began to pose questions. One important one was: can the sites’ natural elements of shadows and camouflage with the sun’s rays, be used to create illusions for some sites???Yes, this can be done.??Illusions for greater depth and width can be created by certain construction of the sites, using the mountain background as related to the angle of the sun.??When the young officer responded to the COL’s question, the COL responded: “I have asked this before to other people with negative answers, and these people said that they were experts. Now I know it can be done.”???

The COL, referring to the above, was seeking to create some type of camouflage from the Soviet’s consistent overflights.??The young officer then sketched out for the COL how the horizontal and vertical illusions could incorporate this. What some saw as enormous difficulties with the widely varying elevations, valleys and ridges, and mountains in the Zagros, the young officer could use for effective “coverage” of the sites. In fact, the very large differences in valley and ridge elevations were most positive for such.??It was a matter of how to apply the sites and mathematics.???

How this was integrated into the next question of the COL’s is readily understood.??“Can these sites be a basis to evaluate ballistic missile optimized trajectories?”???This aspect has previously been described in detail. What the COL was recognizing was the ability of Barbara, with her mathematics, to create new and unexpected solutions.??Thus, it came to be, that her developed mathematics, with her husband, provided the solution. Yes, the ballistic missile trajectories could be optimized, using the positives of the respective sites within the selected Zagros areas.????

COL Lloyd never ceased being a now close listener to the young officer and Barbara. He had further questions, this was normal, however, he took on a rather more personal approach to all of it. He became most interested in the young officer’s description of how the surface and subsurface faults could be identified and used. “The faults ‘talk”, the young officer said. “How is this,” the COL asked.??“You listen and then map them,” the young officer said.??Faults have resonance and emit such, which can be “listened to” sometimes with a knife or a spoon.??“Betsy” was a good fault listener as well, mules are inherent in detecting this.[1]?

Haydar, as he became accustomed to the young officer and, in particular, in their many early field ops, asked: “You are from the land, are you not?” (from the land means from the country, ie, rural background and experience). The Kurds are ever closest observers in everything, they have to be, so as to survive. “Yes, Haydar, I am from the land.” This was but a part of how it came to be. When Haydar first met Barbara and she spoke in her fluent Farsi dialect, he said, “She is from Allah, she knows what is in our heads,” …then… “your English woman is chosen for you.” This is more than superstition. And its importance is beginning to be made known to them all…even Colonel Lloyd.?????

?“Nugget Sack.”??COL Lloyd [Tehran CIA senior agent] came to use this phrase more and more.???After approximately 18 months of BRONZE BOW design, several revisions were made.??This is the purpose of such an op, and in particular, the nature of making revisions to the preliminary engineering. Except that the preliminary engineering scope had grown considerably larger, and was continuing to be so. It was clear to the young officer and Barbara that the perceptions involved had changed, there were not only solutions being provided, some of the solutions had not been foreseen or anticipated – or desired [many of these involved the defense of the nuclear sites].??COL Lloyd, on his part, saw and heard first hand, what could and was being done, and he posed the question: can “we” expand BRONZE BOW into other parts of the Zagros. This would be a mammoth task. The already ongoing task of the op, for the young officer and Barbara, was huge, challenging, and dangerous.??They were only two of them on this aspect of the project. The construction phase was underway with a much larger force.??“Well,” said the COL, “what if we expand the op with people you select?”??Another question to ponder.?

“With what kind of budget,” Ben asked?

“What if I said that money would be no object,” Colonel Lloyd answered. “We have already set a black contract with Hughes [Howard Hughes London - Black Operations LTD, Benjamin's employer] for $500 million for the next two months with another $2 Billion available as you need it, in gold.”

Ben just looked at Barbara. “Let me discuss this with Redcombe. It will go no further.”

“I know,” Lloyd said. “Redcombe is trustworthy, the rest aren’t [meaning the hierarchy of both MI6 and CIA].”??????

“Colonel, what about the British, about MI6, how do you see them in all of this, this is going to require sizeable coordination even with their moles,” asked the young officer with his wife next to him.??The Colonel had obviously considered this, yet, he responded slowly and unhesitatingly.??“Well, this can be handled, we will bring in?that?person- from Washington- and this person will sit-in London with MI6, I will be here in Tehran, you and Barbara will continue as before, and with the people you select.”???

The Col spoke very little about MI6/London. This was handled by others. He did say, “I would like to shoot every one of those [expletive deleted] moles within the British agency, and you know the ones I mean. They are lazy, incompetent, and the lot of them are traitors. Angleton knows, and he now suspects De Mowbray [real person - head of MI6 Counterintelligence known as 'The Icepick' for his favorite interrogation tool] as well, that he is covering his ass giving up a few of the lesser ones to protect the bigger fish and the ones Angleton now knows about in the Administration.”?

Lloyd never asked about?how the young officer began in London, that’s understandable. As for?CIA people, Ben and Barbara both had stated to the Col (context Tehran) that the agency has a terrible reputation of “placing snakes and flakes” and that he (Benjamin) did not want anything to do with them, period. This referred to the?fact that most of these “hot shots” were?“…f…heads, pipe suckers (meaning opium smokers) and drunks.”

The Colonel did not disagree with this description, and he did do what the team asked. The Col also knew that he and Barbara would shoot any of these others…. If they even attempted to approach Barbara. This was stated formally and a message of such was forwarded to both MI6 and to Washington.??To keep the op clean and them living and going was the objective. This meant being stretched, yet it was doable, and each successive day in the Zagros meant staying alive.???

Benjamin and Barbara quietly talked that night in bed. She was not averse to what the COL said, nor was her husband. On her part, she was uncertain as to how Lambton [real person and Soviet mole; lover of Shah's sister] would respond and the rest of MI6 might view them. Yet, as Barbara said, “I shall be with you in the Zagros, and we shall have our own home, and as for these people who we are to select, this will take time. He agreed.??And so it went. An interesting side note, the Khan had already offered them a large portion of land should they decide to stay...he saw this as a means of forcing a detailed treaty on both the UK and America against the USSR and Iran.?????

“Nugget Sack.”??It was a hallmark phrase of the COL’s.??It can be said that “Nugget Sack” indeed provides much more. Their greatest safety lay in the fact that with each report, each map, each survey, they were surpassing the levels of intelligence gathered beyond anything any other team had ever accomplished. Thus, NUGGET SACK became their Code Name.

Son of Redcombe (Kurê Redcombe)

Kurê Redcombe, the phrase asked of Benjamin each time he visited or was visited by the Khan or the Sher [Khan's deputy]. Kurê Redcombe. A phrase that was fraught with meaning, danger, and power. Ben and Barbara, and especially Col Redcombe were aware of what it meant to the people they lived and worked with on a daily basis. These people knew that everything was political and everything was power. Their lives hung on such things.?

Lawrence knew that he was Infidel while he traveled with the Saudi tribes to fight the Turks and seize Medina for Prince Feisal. He knew also that what he was told daily, that while he was accepted and befriended, as an Infidel, the day would come that he would need to be killed for the Faith. This was the razors edge Ben and his wife also walked…yet with a bit more stability…because of her.?

Kurê Redcombe…Son of Redcombe, representative of the Queen of England and, now more importantly, the President of the United States; supplier of gold, materials otherwise unavailable, builder of bridges for the Khan and his people to simplify their nomadic life, and protection from the Shah through the offices of their diplomats and the arms brought to the tribes. More importantly, protection from the Soviets and their puppets from rival tribes who were once under the sway of the Nazi’s.

This was more than politics; this was survival in the Zagros. Thus, the question of alliances was crucial. Additionally, Iran was not a nation. Iran was, and is a confederation of tribes more akin to the Native Americans and Afghans than anything else. Raids and warfare is their way of life. Territory is survival as it means grazing lands, water, and passage between summer and winter grounds just as it did to the Native Americans and does to the Afghans and Pakistani. Plus, the tribes are NOT Persian…they are more Arab than Persian…and hated as they likewise hate.

Kurê Redcombe, then is the question.

Today, it was answered from London [actual message retained by the source on original printout sheet. Coded addresses have been modified].?




R 250332Z AUG


TO AGT 05WEST344247









“Well,” Col Redcombe said reading the message with Ben and Barbara, “here it is. I believe you are ready for it and all it entails. I, for one, am very ready to pass the mantle as it were to the two of you. I have never seen such capable individuals in all my years. Never forget what we have discussed concerning Lambton and the other buggers in London. They are never to be trusted.”

“One thing I think we should do,” Barbara said, “since we are inviting the neighbors [by this she meant the Khan and his retinue], we should break out the butter churns and ice cream makers…”

“Indeed,” the Colonel said with a smile, to which Haydar [their Kurdish chief of the bodyguard] enthusiastically agreed.

[1]?Recent technology has also discovered that the natural radiation emitted by everything can be a ‘fingerprint’ that may be identified by aerial sensors. A joint Army/Air Force program used this as a means of developing a highly efficient antiarmor weapon system. Now, another company has developed a process that uses a deeper radiation source that emits from nearly 20,000 feet below the surface to identify specific objects through anything, including lead and granite to aerial sensors. Tied to Benjamin’s surveys, Iranian nuclear systems are highly vulnerable to discovery and destruction.


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