Young, honest Leaders takes on the challenge thrown by nature
Around 20 months ago, a Russian girl asked me, "In India, are women not respected at all?" Stereotyping women's roles in India, this girl went on for 30 minutes because I was born in India. At the end, I asked her three questions:
For all the questions, she said "no." Then I replied, "India had both." The first woman prime minister, Indira Gandhi, on January 14th, 1980, and the first woman president on July 25th, 2007. It's not just India; neighboring countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka have also had female leaders. After this, she didn't make any effort to reply to me, and she didn't talk to me for almost 2 days.
The reason I mentioned this topic is that many people assume many things about others. During the recent floods in the southern state of Kerala, the only state where women outnumber men, and women have a much higher standing and influence in their society, there were several examples of female heroes who rescued people. I am introducing T V Anupama (#TVAnupama) and K Vasuki (#kvasuki), the sincere, non-corrupt young dynamic women IAS officers (#ias Indian Administrative Service). Two women district collectors (local government administrative lead officers) in particular stood out for the manner in which they led the administration’s efforts. The roles of TV Anupama, the district collector in-charge of Thrissur, and K Vasuki, of Thiruvananthapuram, in having a people-to-people connect during these trying times, are being praised on social media. Not only did they strategize rescue missions, but they also planned and implemented relief operations too.
These intelligent and brave women leaders made history by saving millions of people from disaster and then strategically managed logistics to avoid starvation and the spread of diseases. Their passion and energy during these challenging times were outstanding. I will not go into their details as these links will provide some insight:
They manage the work-family balance. Who says women can't multitask? These women do it better than many men!