If you've seen MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION , it's impossible to forget the introduction of the Isla Faust character to the franchise, played by Rebecca Ferguson.
We notice a different dynamic between Isla and Ethan we had not seen between him and other female spies. A playfulness and unofficial romance.
From the first scene they meet where he's a captive and she helps him escape. To when they meet again in the opera house in Vienna trying to stop an assassination.
Cruise explains why we felt that vibe.
"And at the beginning when Rebecca comes in the subterranean chamber That's boy meets girl.....and now Vienna is the first date. Tonally what happens is that it starts to inform performance so when we are doing it ...first date. but yet its a Mission movie. these are two spies.
It gives us the composition of the first date..... then there's a break up and it goes bad that's the cycle. As we are going through the journey of these characters and the also informs lighting, it informs architecture, it informs dress.cos we knew we had to have the first date and that had to be Vienna...."- Tom Cruise
YES YES,I know. Here i go talking about TONE again.
That's how FUNDAMENTAL and FOUNDATION it is in your choices as a Film Director, and also the understanding of your cast and crew in what you are attempting to achieve
Cruise is speaking as the lead actor and the Executive Producer
How awesome is that. Having a lead THAT invested.
Tone is key in how a screenplay, scenes, performance and just about anything in Directing,Editing, Scoring and costuming a film.
McQuarrie, the Director and Cruise deciding to play the sequence as "Boy meets Girl" and "First date" was key to Isla Faust becoming memorable and the only "Mission girl" to appear in more than one film.
It would have been easy to look at the script and shoot that scene straight without the "first date" tone. Like most action films.
But it would not have given us the same result and endearment to them.And the Mission films are not most action films.
This is why the Mission series is not only one of the best action series of the last 2 decades but one of the most fun, great action with just enough humour and personality that makes them more human.
I tell my students about TONE and how it determines a lot in how the film turns out and how the audience experiences it.
#Directing #WhataDirectorDoes #FilmSchool #filmschoold
#cinema #directing #filmmaking #TomCruise #MissionImpossible #Cruiser
What are your thoughts on the TONE they chose for this