You’ll never hear your stockbroker say this
UNCOVERED: A surprising under-valued market in rare stamps (but for how long?)
Imagine if your stockbroker told you this…
“I’ve got an interesting investment for you.
It’s a company, which has been around for over 100 years. It’s withstood the ultimate test, that of time.
Over the past 20 years, its shares have never fallen in value (not even once!)
In fact, it has averaged 9% growth per annum since the turn of the century.
Also, it’s a great quality company and much better than its competitors.
As you would expect, it is difficult to get shares in this company. Hardly anyone ever wants to sell.
But, today I have a seller.
There’s more…
What if I told you, if you buy one share in this company, I can get them for you at £50 a share.
But, if you buy 50 shares, I can get them for £33.66 a share, a discount of 33% to market value.
Are you interested?”
“Heck, yes!”
The more cautious investor may say, “sounds too good to be true, must be a scam”.
When it comes to the stock market, you’d probably be right in this assertion.
However, when it comes to rare stamps, it is a different story.
I have uncovered the exact equivalent scenario for you in a surprising area of the rare stamp market.
And, now I want to let you in on this surprising opportunity.
Sheets of stamps can sell at a discount to the value of the individual stamps in the sheet
It sounds crazy but it is true…
Sheets of stamps can sell for less than the value of the individual stamps in the sheet.
This is particularly bizarre because, obviously, stamp sheets are much rarer than individual stamps.
Stamps were printed to be used for postage, not to sit idle in their printing sheet for over 100 years.
You would expect an entire sheet of stamps to be worth much more than the individual stamps.
The reason for this anomaly is because less people collect sheets of stamps, so the market is smaller and competition is less.
But, if you broke up the sheet into its individual stamps, you could sell them for more than the value of the sheet.
I could never do this though. It would feel like an act of vandalism.
These sheets of stamps deserve preservation, care and admiration. Once broken up, they cannot ever be replaced.
However, not all stamp dealers feel the same…
Over the years, some dealers have broken up sheets to sell the individual stamps – it’s easy money after all!
Because each year more sheets are broken up, they are getting rarer all the time.
It seems inevitable that, ultimately, opportunities to buy sheets of stamps at discounts to their value will diminish.
We already see some cases where sheets sell at auction for big premiums to the catalogue values of the individual stamps in the sheet.
I expect this trend will become more commonplace over time.
And, even if my market predictions are wrong…
You could always break up the sheets to sell the individual stamps at a profit. Not that I would recommend that, of course!
Consequently, buying fine quality sheets of stamps looks an obvious investment angle to me right now and one I would like to help you to profit from…
Collection of stamp sheets at 33% discount
I have put together for you a collection of 10 rare stamp sheets.
In total, the collection is available today at a 33% discount to the Stanley Gibbons catalogue value for the individual stamps in the sheets.
The 10 stamp sheets include countries from across the globe and presents as an attractive collection in its own right.
As always, all examples are high quality and well above the average quality you would find on the market.
The table below provides a snapshot of the contents of the collection and the discount available for each sheet…
As you can see, the discounts available for some of these rare stamp sheets seems utterly ridiculous. A few notable examples as follows:
- The stunning sheet of 20 stamps from the famous British “Jubilee” issue is in perfect unmounted mint condition and has not been seen on the market for 15 years. Despite this, it is available at a 15% discount to the SG catalogue price for the individual stamps.
- The 1895 complete sheet of 50 stamps from Brunei is considered a major philatelic rarity with a very interesting controversy behind the issue, yet available at a 29% discount
- The Malaya Japanese Occupational complete sheet of 100 stamps shows the overprint inverted. Even a single example of this stamp error is a rarity, yet the entire sheet is available at a 40% discount.
Up 9% a year in value over past 20 years
Whilst, historic growth in value provides no guarantee of future growth rates, the history of price appreciation of the stamps in the collection provides a lot of comfort…
The collection has increased in value over the past 20 years by 175% (9%pa). Individual performances are variable ranging between 4% and 13% per annum.
Most importantly, no stamps have dipped in value at any time in the past 20 years. This is because of the natural economic forces of diminishing supply and consistent, if not rising, demand.
When you add the discount factor to the equation, potential future valuations become even more interesting…
If we make the following assumptions:
- Historic annual growth rates continue for the next five years
- The discount currently available for these sheets erodes to be in line with the catalogue values of the individual stamps
Under these assumptions, the collection would have a total value five years from now of £41,610 generating a profit of £22,120 and growth in value of 113% (more than double your money!)
It is not unreasonable to expect the discount to catalogue values to erode. After all, they can only become rarer.
By right, they should command a significant premium to the catalogue value of the individual stamps.
The Collection Revealed
Take a closer look at the quality and rarity of the sheets of stamps within the collection…
British Guiana 1865 Waterlow reprints of the 1853 1c vermilion and 1853-55 4c pale blue, from fresh transfers (five varieties) from the original dies, in COMPLETE SHEETS OF 100 (10x10) with 'Waterlow and Sons London' imprint below R10/5-6, perforations 12?, SG1120.
Very fine mint entire sheets with original gum with the vast majority of stamps being unmounted mint. Toned gum and some inevitable minor imperfections typical of sheets of this nature (R1/5 and R10/5 on each sheet with an unobtrusive pinhole), nevertheless in a remarkable state of preservation.
Very rare in sheets, being the first we have ever handled and a real privilege.
See footnote in Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth & Empire catalogue Part I after SG 20.
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £4,200
Our price is £3,750 (11% discount)
Brunei 1895 $1 yellow-olive, complete sheet of 50 (10x5), SG10.
A remarkable unmounted mint complete sheet with full original gum. A few trivial marginal tone specks (just affecting position 1), otherwise very fine with perfect gum (showing no evidence of the backing disturbance that often spoils this issue).
A rarity in this form and in such fine condition.
A very important philatelic rarity being a complete sheet of the highest value denomination of the first stamp issue from Brunei, which was the subject of much philatelic debate. When these "Star and Crescent" design stamps were first issued in 1895, they were considered as bogus or, at the very least, an issue made for philatelic purposes only.
Consequently, this led to a lot of research on the subject and in 1933 the original agreement between Sultan Hashim and J.C. Robertson, dated 20 August 1894 was published. The agreement made clear that the stamps fulfilled a genuine postal purpose.
Although it is clear that Robertson and his partners had intended to exploit the philatelic sales for their own financial benefit, the agreement does testify, along with collaboratory evidence, that the stamps were used by the Sultan for his postal service.
However, because Brunei did not belong to any local or international postal union, the stamps were only valid for use within the state or on mail to Labuan or Sarawak. Although most of the covers which have survived are addressed to Robertson's associates, there are enough commercially used covers and cards which still exist to prove that there was, indeed, a postal service.
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £1,400
Our price is £995 (29% discount)
Great Britain 1890 10d dull purple & scarlet "Queen Victoria Jubilee Issue", SG210b.
Very fine and fresh unmounted mint, with full original gum, complete pane of twenty with full selvedge from marginal setting 2A, horizontal lined blocks and marginal rules with head plate rules cut away at corners. Taken from the left hand side of the 320 mill sheet, Pane H.
A wonderful complete pane of this difficult shade of the stamp issued during the year of time of the Golden Jubilee of the reign of Queen Victoria, and not seen on the market for over fifteen years. An exhibition quality key rarity of the Queen Victoria Jubilee issues.
GB Specialised Catalogue No: K39(3).
Provenance: Ex. "Aureum Collection of Great Britain Queen Victoria Jubilee Issue Stamps".
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £3,400
Our price is £2,895 (15% discount)
Kuwait 1955-57 5r on 5s rose-carmine, type II (plate-printed) overprint, complete sheet of 40 (4x10) with full margins, SG108a.
A stunning quality complete sheet, unmounted mint with full original gum.
Rare and spectacular entire sheet in this intact form of the famous British "Castles" stamp issue overprinted "KUWAIT".
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £7,200
Our price is £4,750 (34% discount)
Malaya Japanese Occupation 1942-44 Negri Sembilan 1c black (on thin striated paper), type 2 Kanji overprint, complete sheet of 100 (10x10), ERROR OVERPRINT INVERTED, and showing error "sideways second character" on R5/8 (= R6/3 of the upright setting), SGJ266a/ba.
A splendid quality unmounted mint complete sheet with full original gum (typical gum browning). A few of the normal stamp have small faults, and the sheet is severed into two blocks of 50 (10x5).
Very fine appearance and a remarkable survival in this form. Even a single example of the overprint inverted with sideways second character is a rarity.
Accompanied with a clear Royal Philatelic Society (RPS) certificate of authenticity (1993).
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £2,087
Our price is £1,250 (40% discount)
New Zealand 1915-33 1?d slate, watermark 43, complete folded sheet of 240 (24x10) with sheet number 'J102330', SG437.
A fine unmounted mint complete sheet with full original gum. Some imperfections, as to be expected for a sheet of this size, with a portion of the right margin missing, gum tones and vertical crease through row 18). Most stamps are very fine and fresh.
A remarkable item for study.
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £2,160
Our price is £650 (70% discount)
Newfoundland 1862-64 4d rose-lake, complete sheet of 20 (5x4), with "(ST)ACEY WISE/1858" large part papermaker's watermark covering six stamps in the two left hand columns, SG18.
A brilliant quality mint complete sheet with original gum ( all stamps are unmounted mint, except R2/1 with small adhesion). Unobtrusive vertical folds in side margins and between second and third columns, as usually seen with such sheets. A lovely item, with exceptional colour and impression.
Very scarce with watermark, which appears on only 2% of stamps from this issue according to Col. Robert H. Pratt, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the pre-eminent Newfoundland stamp and postal history collector, researcher, and author..
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £1,000
Our price is £950 (5% discount)
Rhodesia 1892-93 2s6d grey-purple, complete sheet of 60 (10x6) with large part 'PURE LIN(EN)/monogram/WOV(E BANK)' papermaker's watermark from 1890/91 printings, SG6.
A fine unmounted mint entire sheet with full original gum. Some minor adhesions and tone specks as often the case, but does not detract as still most attractive with fresh colour.
A rare and lovely item, in exceptional condition.
Rhodesia, named after Cecil Rhodes, the founder of the British South Africa Company, joined the South African Postal Union on 1 August 1892. At this point, its stamps became valid for international mail. The stamps issued throughout 1890-1923 are all inscribed "British South Africa Company".
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £3,300
Our price is £1,950 (41% discount)
South Africa Orange Free State 1868-94 6d bright carmine, folded lower half sheet of 120, comprising two panes 6x10 with horizontal gutter, SG6.
A fine unmounted mint sheet with full original gum. Some creasing, marginal faults and separation, with minor gum adhesions, as often seen with sheets of this size. Overall fine condition with fresh colour, showing plate number '1' at lower left and current number '2' at lower right.
The sheet has added importance being from the final printing in this colour (5 March 1894). A remarkable survival from the first and only stamp design issued by the Orange Free State.
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £3,360
Our price is £1,500 (55% discount)
Virgin Islands 1887-89 4d chestnut, watermark CA, complete sheet of 24 (8x3), SG35.
A brilliant quality mint complete sheet with original gum and with most stamps unmounted mint. Some very minor marginal blemishes, but exceptionally fresh.
A rarity in this form and condition. The "Virgin" stamp issues have long been adored by collectors. The stamp features a depiction of Saint Ursula who, according to legend, had 11,000 virginal handmaidens, after whom the islands had been named.
The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £840
Our price is £800 (5% discount)
The undervalued stamp sheets collection
To summarise:
- An attractive collection of high quality rare stamp sheets covering countries from across the globe
- Available to purchase at a 33% discount to Stanley Gibbons catalogue value
- Presenting an interesting investment opportunity based on long term historic experience of price appreciation of the individual stamps in the sheets, coupled with an anticipation of a pricing correction to reflect the higher rarity value of entire sheets
You can own the collection today for a price of £19,490.
To secure the collection at this price, email me today at [email protected].
Alternatively, you can call us on +44(0)1534 639998.
Buying quality assets at below fair value and holding for the long term is value investing in its purest form.
Stay safe, and thanks for reading.
Kind regards
Mike Hall
PS. As the stamp sheets in the collection are also available to buy individually, you will need to contact me promptly if you are interested in securing the entire collection intact.