You'll Be Hearing From Me
The following note was left behind by Dr. Roaminart before his sudden departure to "somewhere"...
Ho Ho...this isn't over Fliss-not by a long shot sweetheart. Consider this document an invoice for services rendered and I demand compensation. You can wire a cashiers check to the (DO NOT REVEAL) address. Not that you're in trouble (yet) but do consider the expediency of my request or there will be complications as soon as my attorney is granted a stay of execution. I was shocked to discover Castrol was indicted on suspicious charges that haven't been proven conclusively but the lazy dolt was too slow on the trigger and now he's awaiting some kind of deranged nut-jobs' judgement as to whether or not he goes free or gets a thirty second ride on a tree swing! The excessive driving violations are low fruit. Anyone that knows him is aware never to ride shotgun when he's driving because there's no guarantee of a safe and sound arrival. He's always lost and becomes hysterical when attempting to make time by driving with the skill of a 6 year wearing a virtual reality helmet sitting in an easy chair.
He never told me he sustained optical injury to his left eye and has no peripheral vision. The physician that treated him accidentally prescribed some kind of opiate that he "invented" and unsuccessfully tried to patent. Before his arrest, he had become so hallucinogenic to the effects of a 5 mg. tablet that his credentials were terminated without a proper hearing as he was brought up on charges of illicit manufacture of an unstable substance. During his lame defense he claimed he was only tinkering with aromatics then ate a tube of lip balm and sang the theme to "Gilligan's Island" pretending to be a cross between Sid Vicious and June Carter Cash. All he did was shriek like a wounded coyote in a bear trap. He actually shattered the judges' water glass. He escaped back to his office just as Castrol showed up to have the doctor treat his injuries. Timing is indeed everything when it comes to a psychotic whack-job practicing medicine still in possession of his pad writing out prescriptions like a politician smashing emails during an FBI investigation. He just gave my attorney bags of his "mock medication" and fled into the dark laughing to the melody of "I Am the Eggman". So, poor Castrol is left holding the bag(s) just as the authorities arrived and they took him down for processing. He's really screwed the poor bastard, but he's my only chance at breaking free from my current indiscretions against the state. I'll have to lay low and wait this thing out so I'm sure you can see why I demand payment. Just write it off as a business expense like you do every time you travel to Scandinavia for some unaccredited organization claiming to be renowned for developing Caricaturists or some gibberish like that. Has anyone contacted you? Remember, no one must know where I am and if my location is discovered I'll come after you like prairie fire until the only thing left of you is the pile of IOU's intended as my compensation for treating your weenie ass. Remember that Fliss? Don't deny it because I have recorded every session during hypnosis and if I ever released them you'd be cornered by some TMZ scum and smeared over the air like rotted intestines. You'll never work in this life again bubble head so just beware that I hold all the cards on you. We'll just keep that between us old pal, right? No need to let a sticky situation get slimy, right Fliss? I should probably read this pile before leaving it to prevent anyone from tracking me. You can't be too careful these days, man. Around every corner worse than it was for me back in Prague '58. Those state boys had a file on everyone and it was all the same information. Whoever discovered that was transferred or "relocated" to a place where no one knows your name.
"C" for paragraph right? Don't worry it can get worse but there won't be any repercussions unless there's a change in the old guard. The next 5 administrations will be overburdened with litigations and appeals from 4/5 of every man. woman and clone associated with the current level of slime representing the government. You'll have to move fast before November or we're all be screwed so make that check out to "cash" and be quick about it. If I don't see it within 48 hours we'll have words so kindly employ some decency and get that bugger in the mail. I will be back either way and I foresee an opportunity to really bring you around to a better adjusted individual. I understand Raoul didn't get the car fixed so this does not bode well with my agenda. I'm smoking whatever I can find in the gutter and I'm also down to my last bag of Castrol's doctor meds. I told him I'd keep them safe but these little bits are like eating pine needles and my breath hasn't been this clear since I spirit in the blue pointy sky bugs floating....
I haven't heard from Dr. Roaminart and I am guessing he popped one of those pills right before ending his note to me. He's not getting a cent from me until I find out what he claims to have done in "treating" me.