You'll find Him in the middle...
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
You will find Jesus here...
Recently, I had a dear friend (Bill Yount) speak a very powerful word to me while hanging out in the Florida warmth. This word was so simple, I almost missed the power and truth in it. The more I thought about it, the more it transformed me. Truth does that.
This one thing He shared, edified me in increased hope, clarity, and joy. I know it was from The Lord! I want to share that with you now. He said...
"If you are looking to see where the Lord is moving the most in your life, look in the middle of your trouble. This is where He is moving on your behalf!"
Wow. I pray that blessed you right where you are today. God is with you and He is certainly moving on your behalf. I've also clung to the following principle of spiritual government as well; when you cannot see The Lord's hands moving, trust His heart!
He's a good father. His plan is good. His thoughts towards you are good. It is written! Amen?
Blessing you in the name of Jesus - Thomas Griffin