You’d Like to Post on LinkedIn, But Where Will You Find Great Content?
? Carol Kaemmerer
Executive Branding Expert and Keynote Speaker ?? : Crafting Impactful Profiles, Navigating Career Transitions, and Boosting Online Credibility—For C-Suite and Senior Leaders Ready to Shine
In last week’s #littlelinkedinlesson , I shared that when you comment on someone else’s post, you should add value: to them, to others, AND to your own brand. The same should be true when you post. Always add value. Because we’re talking about posting on LinkedIn, frivolous things (like a photo of what you ate for lunch) generally don’t belong on LinkedIn.?
Here are some ideas for where you might find post-worthy material.
Whatever and however you post, remember to add value to the original author, to readers, and to yourself.?
This #littlelinkedinlesson is part of a series. In the coming weeks, I’ll address how to curate content to create interest and posting pitfalls.
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P.S. Whenever you're ready, this is how I can help:
1.? For DIY instruction on improving your LinkedIn profile, register for my self-paced, online course: How to be Found on LinkedIn: Key Strategies for Attracting Ideal-for-You Opportunities,
2.? My award-winning book LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive: Promote Your Brand with Authenticity, Tact and Power-2nd Edition is available through online booksellers and my website. For your author-inscribed and signed book or quantity discounts, order:
3. For one-on-one executive coaching and customized, done-for-you LinkedIn profiles and other personal branding assets, schedule a call with me here.
4. To book me for keynote speaking, master classes, or podcast guesting visit: