YOU: You're the "Good" Dishes. You're Your Best Brand
Dr Rochelle Parks-Yancy
Professor of Human Resources; Resume Writer-Slayer; Career Coach; Books' Author; Workshop Leader; Content Creator/Editor; I Am MY #1 Brand; Career Bad-ssery Expert
When I was a kid, my older relatives had "good" dishes. These were special, expensive dishes that were ONLY used on very special occasions when people [who were NOT immediate family] came over. My siblings and I couldn't play anywhere near the "good" dishes for fear we would break them. The "good" dishes were meant to show off to outsiders, not immediate family.
My parents were the opposite. We had "good" dishes, too. But, we used them for special occasions that, sometimes included guests, but other times it was just us (my parents/siblings). Because my parents thought it was crazy to treat other people as more special than we treated ourselves. Because we didn't have nice things for other people, we had them for ourselves. Because showing off to ourselves was more important than showing off to others.
These were great life lessons. I learned to never minimize me to myself. To stand for my worth and believe in me, in front of anyone at any time.
Do you speak positively about you and your professional accomplishments, no matter what coworkers/managers say? Do you give yourself credit for your work, no matter what coworkers or managers say or don't say? Are you ready at all times to communicate your value to anyone anywhere at any time?
I am the "good" dishes. You are, too. You weren't born to show off/value you/stand for you for other people. You were to do all of that [and more] for you.
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