Are you your own worse enemy when it comes to your success mentally.
Hi LinkedIn Fam,
A quick lesson from a person with mental health issues and how the 3 P's help me (my being patient, my perspective of things and my persistent.
The word “progress†can be tricky. I, along with other people in the world, only see the end result and not the road (progress) it took to get there.
As with most things in life, we want to be happy and healthy. But being happy and healthy is not easy. We have to remember that being healthy and happy is often not a constant thing, we usually have to work at it.
Even more so, I think we’ll be working on our health and happiness for our entire lives. This may sound like a bummer, but I promise you, it’s not!
Progress is continuing on even though it’s hard. Progress is failing. Progress is failing again and again and then getting back up to trying again. We’ll probably have ups and downs, but either way, you’re still making progress.
Right now, it might not help to look at where you are in life, but to instead look at where you have come from. I’m at the “making progress on my progress†step right now. I have some goals scribbled down and I do want to make progress on them.
I want to be an active participant in my life. Being active in life means trying, failing and getting my butt back up to do it again.
It doesn’t mean everything will be fine or even work out, but looking at my progress (reminding myself how far I have come, even if it is just a little, it's still progress.)
Today, I’m asking you to look at where you are in life and what progress (no matter how small) you’re making by answering my question below.
I know it can be tough, but I’m cheering for you!
I was once asked "Where am I in my life and is it where I want to be?"
Below is my answer to that question. I hope you can see my progress even in my answer to that question.
Right now in my life, I’m making progress. Even though the progress is much shorter than I’ve imagined, it’s okay. Everyday I learn to be okay with myself as is. I struggle everyday and I get angry with myself, but I still wake up and do it all over again. I’m not sure if it’s persistence or being an idiot, but I am curious at what life has for me.
Even though I’ll be in pain for my whole life, I wanna try. Trying has me anxious. Trying has me fearful, but I have my own life to live and I wanna keep at it. How about you?