If you wrote a book...
All of us have experience, many of us in multiple roles, with multiple companies and have been through multiple markets. So today I wanted to share a question that a friend asked...
"If you wrote a book what would it be focused on?"
I love the question, especially coming from a guy who has written multiple e-books over the years. I think the answer says a lot about us and our core personality. So I asked myself what I would write about... and I determined a few things...
Guess what the question reminded me of?
After all these years I have a lot to offer. So much success, many mistakes, lots of lessons learned... I could be a great mentor for new loan officers. I could teach classes, be a trainer, manage an office... the thought of writing a book really made me think.
The big realization was all of my knowledge and experience is why so many people allow me the honor of helping them with their mortgage needs, and why I have such amazing support from the realtors I work with. Knowing how to get loans approved and closed only comes with experience. Having the knowledge and integrity to find the best loan program for your clients comes from having closed so many loans over the years.
The question made me think about all I have been through, the easy deals and the hard ones, even the ones that fell apart. I wonder what some of my friends would answer. Would they write a business book, romance novel, police thriller, recipe book...?
So today I end with this... to all of you that would get mentioned in my book, who have been by my side through my career and who have made this career as a lender so rewarding... thank you. As always, all my experience is here anytime you have a mortgage question or need. Just message me.