IF you are writing Resume after 15 years....

IF you are writing Resume after 15 years....

How to Start if you have not worked on your resume ever and have stayed in one organization for more than 15 years????????

Many professionals have stayed with the same organization for most of their careers and never thought of building a resume. Today, they feel their job is getting monotonous and seek a job outside. And first thing that they need is a Resume.

They are now blank on where to start.

So below are the steps you can follow if you are sailing in the same boat

?Take a paper and create a timeline for all the promotions you have seen in this organization

?Start from the bottom and write KRAs for each role. Just write 3 to 4 bullet points.

?Then think of the time when you were promoted. What were you working on at that time? Right, a bullet point on that work.

?List down 2 to 3 key highlights of your role that brings a smile to your face

Remember, when a Smile comes on your face with each bullet you are writing, that means you are in the right direction.

I evaluate the success of a resume written by me with the Smiles on my Client's faces when they read out their resumes to me.

Great opportunity



