You Are Worthy
Melanie Mitchell Wexler
Career Coach - Empowering Mid to Executive-Level Professionals to Achieve Purpose-Driven Career Transitions | Resume, LinkedIn?, Job Search & Interview Specialist | Former Recruiter
New month and New Start.
Over the last two months, I have experienced some of the worst anxiety and impostor syndrome I have ever experienced in my life. That kind of anxiety that makes you not eat, not think straight, puts your body in disrepair and leaves you nearly paralyzed physically, intellectually, and emotionally with deep fear.
Losing my mom right before Christmas triggered so much within me and yet I had to tell myself I would be fine, and continue to move forward, not only for my family but my business and myself. I was in a tailspin and just barely made it out thanks to friends and loved ones who showed me love and support.
It took every ounce of my being to do it, but I did it! This month I am choosing the Worthy as my Word for the Month.
So this is an ode to myself, and to all of you out there that might not feel like you feel worthy. It’s simply not true. You are worthy.
You. Are. Worthy.
You are worthy of success. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of opportunities to shine, to belong, to be yourself completely. You are worthy of all the wonderful opportunities life puts in front of you.
Take those opportunities, lean into them, leverage them to be your best self and step into your greatness.
It is time to LET GO!
Let go of the teacher in 6th grade who told you girls couldn’t do math. She was wrong.
Let go of the teacher in 11th grade who told you you were a terrible writer and wouldn’t amount to anything. He was wrong.
Let go of the “friends” who talked over you and belittled you and never gave you an ounce of room in any conversation to be You. They had their own shit they were dealing with.
Let go of the family members and boyfriends who abused you and made you feel completely and utterly unworthy. It’s one of the hardest things to let go of, but know that it was truly their shit.
You are absolutely worthy of stepping away from that, leaving it in the past, and moving forward into love and your own true greatness.
Let go of the men that walk down the street or through the halls of your workplace who bump into you because they literally don’t see women. How is that possible? Whatever, it doesn’t matter. You are amazing. Walk with grace and power.
Let go of the people who passed you up for jobs or promotions, or held you back because they were threatened by you. Their loss, you went and did better things. And well, they were threatened by you because you’re smart and skilled. Keep moving forward.
Let go of the words of the person who told you that you would fail and had all kinds of advice for how you should live your life. AND hold onto the words of the two other people who said that you have made a positive impact.
Let go of all the no's in your life, and remember all the yeses.
Let go of the people in your life who wanted you to change because they didn’t understand you.
You are incredible, keep learning and growing and being ever-greater versions of You.
Let go of that person that seems to never care about what you are saying. Because they might just be processing your words in a very internal way that is changing them.
They might even come up to you afterward and say thank you. Yes, that happened.
And. Let go of your own inner being full of critiques and self-judgments. Let that critic go—she (or he or they) is working from outdated judgmental shit that came from all the people above who were ALL WRONG.
You are worthy, you are accomplished, you are ready to step into your next opportunity and THRIVE. Really, you are. Stop arguing with your inner self and tell yourself that you got this, you are worthy of this opportunity and you’re going to step into your power and be your badass self.
All of those people in your past likely felt unworthy themselves. They were wrong. Don’t let them define you. Let them all go. Move forward to your future, step into your power. Be You.
You are worthy. I am worthy.
We really, truly are.
Let’s get out there and make our good mark on the world.