“You Are Not Worthy Of Being Here Promotes Defiance” - Negotiation Insight
Dr. Greg Williams, CSP
The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert at The Master Negotiator
“Your imagination promotes future value. When considering value, consider the values of others.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click here to Tweet)
“You Are Not Worthy Of Being Here Promotes Defiance”
You tell me I don’t belong here. When your first forefathers arrived, others told them they didn’t belong. Those in authority dismissed them as being “less than.” And that invoked their defiance. Thus, they fought for the right to be recognized as being worthy of belonging and being accepted. So why do you state through your words and deeds that I don’t belong here? Like your forefathers, I and those like me will fight you for what we see as our right to be accepted – our rights to share and partake of the bounty in this land we call home.
If you suppress me, that will only provoke defiance in me. And one day, I’ll rise against you. If you choke the life out of me, I will die. But eventually, those like me, that like me, will fight you. They will exact my vengeance against you and those like you.
Eventually, you and others will hear my voice – even if you attempt to silence me. Because everything changes and the turnarounds that brought you into power will someday sweep that power away from you. So, the question you might ask yourself is, how do you wish to be treated when you’re the one hearing, you don’t belong here.
Those were words offered as a response by someone that was subjugated by the powers to be. Continue reading to discover how you can avert the travails of suppression and avert traveling on a road that could lead to despair.
Whether it’s a phrase like “you people,” “you don’t belong in this neighborhood,” or “go back where you came from,” such phrases can serve as triggers that incite resistance. And those that use such verbiage should be mindful of the powderkeg they may ignite. Because such verbiage can rile others to resist the powers to be, and lead to a revolt. And revolutions bring about a form of change that those in power find it difficult to control and accept.
· Authority’s view - We have the power. Others must obey us. That’s the mindset that some with supremacy possess and display when addressing those that they view as not being at their level or beneath them. It’s a mindset that seeks confrontation because when challenged, it must be defended to sustain itself. And it’s vulnerable because the slightest perceived provocation can set it into a defensive posture. That defensive posture may cause others to become defensive. Then, the mindset of everyone becomes encased in a state of protectiveness, which reduces the possibility of averting a crisis or improving a situation.
· Minority’s view - People that have been badly treated in the past by those in authority are sometimes overly sensitive. And their perspective becomes self-affirming when they focus on the wrongful deeds thrust on those of their kind in the past. Thus, a particular phrase, a perceived provocative look, or someone thought to have authority walking too close to them while they shop “can set them off.” Why? Because triggers occur within them. Triggers that bring to mind past infractions that evoke the feeling of being perceived as less than worthy of being or doing what they’re undertaking currently. And the result is, they feel the need to confront the perpetrator – they feel the need to defend themselves for not only the current aggression but for those that have occurred in the past. They’re pushing back on the accumulation of past grievances to amend perceived wrong that has lasted too long. If you’re someone that cuddles such thoughts, be aware of them. That impacts the way you see and interact with others. Also, be mindful that everyone that appears to be an authority figure is not out to torment you.
Fear vs. Openmind:
In most cases, when people oppose one another, apprehension exists. Instead of fighting those that you see as not being like you, embrace them, their views, and their opinions. Do so by exploring the question, what are you afraid of, and why do you fear it? Even if you eventually dismiss someone’s premise, doing so will strengthen, not weaken you. Being openminded may create a paradigm shift that sheds a different perspective on how to interact with those you view as foes. You will have expanded your thought process, which only leads to better decision making.
Consider all the people that loved us into being here. Those were the generations that preceded us. Their views and thoughts still influence the way we think – even though they may have departed us decades or centuries ago.
When you ignore the thoughts, perspectives, and opinions of others, you may forgo a more significant value that such might have added to the benefit of society. As long as people look at others as being ‘less than,’ everyone’s environment and opportunities will be less than they could have been. To prevent that, be more open to accepting those that don’t share your views. Be more willing to embrace the opinions of those that have ideas that differ from yours. And keep an open mind about being openminded. In so doing, you’ll see a broader spectrum of the positive things that could be versus that which might threaten you. If you let that open-mindedness serve as your catalyst to a better tomorrow, better tomorrow’s will await you … and everything will be right with the world.
Remember, you’re always negotiating!
Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator
After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at [email protected]
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