Are You Worth 4% More?
Image by Gerd Altmann from

Are You Worth 4% More?

I’m certain success is simpler than most people think. I’m also sure that to achieve more than you already have, it’s not about working harder at what you do or working more hours at what you do.

It doesn’t matter what your job title is, you can work faster and longer, and at the end of the week, you’ll still be doing the same work the following week, and the next year. Doing more of the same work won’t change the work you do.

In order to change what you do, you must think differently, and do things differently.

Having coached and consulted with eclectic and diverse individuals for almost two decades, I’ve discovered one clear distinction between the highly successful, the average and/or struggling clients.

Each client pays for insights and advice on how to improve in one or more areas of their respective lives. The single biggest deciding factor in whether the insights and advice work is their perspective on time.

Time is the true equalizer. Everyone, rich or poor, healthy, or sick, gets 24 hours in a day. No one can buy more than 60 minutes in an hour. Whether you achieve great results, stay busy being busy, or stay on a couch drinking beer, at the end of the day, no one has any unused time to add to the following day.

Successful people look at time as essential. They understand they must use their time wisely. Average and struggling people look and sound like they get short-changed on time. That others have more time than them. You only have to listen to them talk to understand what I mean. “I didn’t have time to complete the task.” “I’m sorry. I ran out of time.” “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.”

Picture this in your mind. All clients pay for insights and advice. Once received, successful clients make time to follow the advice they paid for. Average and struggling clients try to find time to follow the advice they paid for.

There’s a big difference in “making” time and “trying to find” time. It’s the same difference between success and struggling.

Whenever you are trying to find time in your “busy, busy, busy” schedule, it’s likely you won’t ever find it consistently enough to make a difference in your results. In order to have more, become more, and do more, you must make time by replacing ongoing, routine, activities with difference making activities.

I’m often asked, “where do you find the time to read?” in your hectic schedule? I make me a priority. I put my learning, my health, first. It doesn’t take a lot. It just takes consistency.

This is where you must decide if you are worth 4% more. In the U.S., the average annual wage increase is 3%. You don’t have to do much to get the average increase. Normally, if you just show up and do what is asked of you, there’s a good chance you’ll get a 2-3% annual increase.

However, if you want to be better than average, you must begin to invest in yourself. If you won’t invest in you, why should anyone else? The good news is, since few people are investing in themselves, it won’t take much for you to stand out!

Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. Investing in yourself is like most investments, they compound over time. What makes investing in yourself the best investment is you will see returns much faster.

All you need to do is commit to investing 4% of your time into you. This 4% (actually 4.16%) equates to one hour daily. How you spend the hour is up to you. Spend it wisely! I recommend splitting the time between reading (learning) about personal development or a specific skill and your fitness. Whether you decide to do 30 minutes of each daily, or an hour every other day of each, isn’t as important as being committed to using an hour a day to improve your health and/or skills.

If you read 30 minutes a day, you will read between 12-15 books a year. When you discover most adults never read another book after they finish school, it won’t take long to see how fast and how big of an advantage you will have over others by reading a dozen books a year.

Thirty minutes of exercise, walking, stretching, and/or resistance training, will compound over time, improving your health, regardless of your current condition. With 1 out of 3 adults in America obese, you can see it won’t take long for you to have a health advantage, with a little daily commitment to moving your body.

Remember, there is greatness within you. You have to choose greatness. It won’t develop on its own. I believe in you!

“When you change, everything will change for you.”

Take Action Today!

If you would like assistance with making time to invest in you, I can help you. We can meet by phone, through Zoom, or at a mutually convenient location. Whether you choose me or someone else, a coach will expedite your results. All change is best supported through consistent guidance and practice.

If you found value in this article, please share with others. You never know who else in your network may find it valuable. Thank you!

I appreciate you. I know your time is limited and I hope you receive value in reading my posts.?

I also invite you to connect with me. You can connect with me on LinkedIn, by email at?[email protected]?or through my website?at? Thank you!??

I always look forward to your thoughts and replies.

Published by Bryan M. Balch, Results Coach

Helping Individuals and Businesses Achieve Desired Results


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