Are You A Worrier?
Do you worry about your kids? Do you worry about your spouse? Do you worry about your parents? Do you worry about your grandchildren? Do you worry about your work? Do you worry about money? Do you worry about the upcoming social functions? Do you worry about the political climate? Do you worry about your family’s safety?
Do you worry? About this. About that. About many, many things.
The interesting thing is, the vast majority of things which we worry about never come to pass.
If that is the case, then why do we still worry about so many things?
What does worrying ever accomplish?
It certainly never accomplishes anything positive. I believe that the vast majority of us worry all the time about things that will never happen.
Of all the things that you have worried about, how many of them have actually come to pass? And of those things that did happen, were you able to make it through alright to the other side? Did worrying about it help you in any way whatsoever?
Now I know there are things that very naturally cause stress, worry and heartaches, and I’m not downplaying that at all. When a family member or a close friend is diagnosed with something serious, or suffering from a severe illness. That is tough to deal with and makes it tough to keep a positive outlook.
But I’m not really talking about those specific, more intense situations here – that’s a different topic. I really mean the “day-to-day” worrying that so many of us allow to dominate our thoughts.
My challenge for you this week is for you to be aware of where your mind wonders. Try to catch yourself as soon as you start to worry, and instead of continuing to worry about whatever it may be, replace that thought with something positive.
Where your focus goes, your energy flows. In other words, you’ll move in the direction your focused. So, stop, refocus your thoughts, and begin again. You can do this.
I believe in you! I believe in your dream!!
Be blessed,
Chris Chandler