You are in the world or world is within you? Linkedin
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
Here's - You are in the world or world is within you?
And some true incidents.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.
Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.
Love and light to you!
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28 December 2021
You are in the world or world is within you?
*Tell me!
Reply me!
*You are in the world?
Or, world is within you?
*Correct reply -
You are not in the world!
World is within you!
*In fact, world does not exist!
Only yourself exist!
*And the purpose of your birth!
Only to know this fact!
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6 August 2023
Dream exists or not?
*Reply me!
Tell me!
*Dream exists or not?
Dream is true or false?
*When you see the dream!
Then it exists!
Then it is true!
Only for that duration!
It seems to be true!
*When you wake up!
Then there is no dream!
Then dream doesn't exist!
Then dream is false!
After duration of the dream!
It seems to be false!
*Same is the case with this world!
Dream is neither true nor false!
This world neither true nor false!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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15 June 2023
knowledge creates joy sorrows
*Wrong knowledge creates sorrows!
Right knowledge creates joy!
*Ignorance creates sorrows!
Right knowledge creates joy!
*When we get this knowledge!
That fire can burn us!
We never touch fire in future!
*Mother tells a baby!
Don't touch this!
It is hot!
If you touch!
It will give pain!
*Baby doesn't know!
What is hot!
He still touches!
When he touches!
He feels painful!
Then he knows!
What is hot?
*Then he never touches!
The same thing in life!
It is the learning process!
*When we visit in the desert!
We are traveling by car!
From distance we see!
There is some water place!
But when we reach there!
We find that there is no water!
Then we never repeat same mistake!
*This is the learning process!
In this way we learn!
*Reading books is not learning!
Experiencing the truth is learning!
*Try to learn from every thing in nature!
By experiencing the same!
Contemplate on it one by one!
Thus find yourself!
Where is the world?
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
11 June 2023
It Is Our Daily Experience
*If one can understand or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one can see or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one can smell or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one can sense or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one can think or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one likes or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one has mind or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one has intellect or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one feels joy or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one feels sorrows or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one has hands or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one has legs or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one has eyes or not!
Even then one exists!
*In the same way!
One has body or not!
Even then one exists!
*If one sees the world or not!
Even then one exists!
*If others exist or not!
Even then one exists!
*If world exists or not!
Even then one exists!
*World doesn't tell!
That it exists!
One can tell!
That one exists!
*Scene does not tell!
That it exists!
One only tells!
That scene exists!
*Scene can not sense any one!
But one can sense the scene!
*Hence only one exists!
Scenes do not exist!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
9 Jan 2023
How to start divine journey?
*How to start Spiritual Journey?
I started my spiritual journey during the year 1990 after sad demise of my beloved father. I was
fond of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna during my childhood. But as I grew up my faith was
reduced till I was selected in IIT Roorkee. Then I used to say that Almighty God does not exist.
Only hard work counts. I worked hard and hence I was selected in IITs.
*After my marriage faith on God was further reduced. I used to do Puja but only for worldly
But I was having full faith on Existence of Paramatma, One Almighty God.
*When you start your divine journey, first and foremost you have to win the followingKaam- It means desire and lust.
Krodh - It means anger.
Lobh - It means greed.
Moh - It means mine-Ness. This is mine, this is not mine.
Madd - It means your thinking- I am so much powerful. I am so much wealthy. I am so much
*It is very difficult to win all above 5 enemies. But once you take vow for winning these enemies,
then God helps you! Krishna helps you!
*I tried to win above 5 enemies just after starting my divine journey and I got the help of
*You must make a routine to read Bhagavad Gita and Sunderkand of Ramayana during morning
and evening hours at least for one hour or half an hour during a fixed time, place and duration. If
evening time is not possible, then morning time is essential. Do it for some months.
I did it. One must do it with much devotion.
*You must repeat any Mantra of your any one favorite God as much as possible in your mind
along with the remembrance of God.
*During my divine journey I recited the auspicious Mantra of Lord Rama for some years. If I
used to find any person with the name or Mantra of any other God, I used to tell him- Love only
Rama! Recite only the Mantra of Lord Rama, not any other God!
*You must see your favorite God like Rama or Krishna inside of everyone. It will give benefit in
your divine journey. Since you will remember God as much as possible due to this reason. And
remembering God gives you magical blessings and benefits.
Hence you must see your favorite God in your spouse, children, parents, siblings, friends, boss,
subordinate, customer, colleagues, staff, workers, seniors, juniors etc. Since God lives in the
heart of every person.
*Thus you can remember the greatest lord Almighty. Try to remember Him always. It is the
ultimate purpose of Spiritual journey.
*It is the rule, whatever you remember you become!
*If you remember good person, you become good.
*If you remember wicked person, you will become wicked!
*If you always remember your favorite God, he will help you. He will guide you. He will bless you
with good and auspicious thoughts.
*Do three times Prayers daily to your favorite God during Morning, Afternoon and Evening
*Make your prayer as per your requirement and happiness.
*Pray to God to remove your weaknesses!
Ask your sincere apology at least 9 times for your any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly daily
during your morning and evening prayers.
*Thank God at least 9 times during your morning and evening prayers for blessings you so
many things.
*Read or recite Hanuman Chalisa in your mind at least 7 times in a day! Lord Hanuman will
bless you!
*Donate at least one percent of your monthly income on the day of Purnima and Amavasya
every month specially grass to cow, food and water for poor or beggars.
Some donations for medical purposes if you want to keep your good health. This must be a
regular practice without fail if you want to progress in your divine journey.
Try to hide yourself by doing all these types of charity. Don't do it for your name and fame or
selfish motives!
*Try to do your every work in your home, office, work-place or business as the service of God.
Since you are doing everything for God sitting inside of everyone! Thus try to reduce your ego.
Thus try to serve all while living in your home, not in jungle, hills, mountains or forests.
*Thus you will get divine help of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama or of your favorite God.
*Have firm faith on your divine journey and its various stages. There are 7 stages of divine
*Thus God will remove your shortcomings in divine journey in every stage.
Thus God Himself will help you!
*My best wishes for your happy divine journey!
*Jai Sri Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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13 Dec 2022
Iceberg and sea
*An iceberg floating on the sea!
We still call it sea!
We don't call it iceberg!
*In the same way!
World is there in Brahm!
Like this iceberg!
*World is very tiny part of Brahm!
Hence world is in fact Brahm!
*This is also for saying!
Really world does not exist!
*Tell me!
You see the dream!
You exist or dream?
You only exist, not your dream!
*In the same way!
Brahm is seeing dream of world!
Only Brahm exists, not the world!
7 DEC 2022
Without dreamer, no dream
*Drishya is Drishta in dream!
Without dreamer, no dream!
*Drishya means what is seen!
Drishta means who sees!
*In the same way!
Without experiencer, no experience!
*If experiencer is not there!
Experience will not be there!
But, if experience is not there!
Experiencer will remain!
*You see the movie!
Hence your presence is necessary!
You will remain!
Even if movie is there or not!
*Who experiences the world?
You experience the world!
World does not experience you!
*You experience your body!
Your body does not experience you!
*Hence without you, no world!
But without world, you exist!
*But what is world?
World is your body and other things!
Whatever you see is the world!
*Except you!
Every thing is the world!
Including your body!
*You tell that world exists!
World does not tell you!
That it exists!
*World is your dream!
Since millions of years!
You are the dreamer!
2 DEC 2022
Worldly marriage and divine marriage
You all know about the worldly marriage but you may not be knowing about divine marriage.
Divine marriage is like the marriage of Radha and Krishna!
For those who are in the mortal world, nothing is allowed.
But, who are already enlightened, for them every thing is allowed since they are non-doer in
fact. Since they consider themselves Atma or Soul, not the body!
Tell me! Reply me!
Your worldly marriage is done by your parents.
If Krishna does your divine marriage, if Almighty God does your divine marriage, then what are
your views?
Which marriage you will give more value?
Which marriage will be your true marriage?
You will give preference to the world or Krishna ie Almighty?
Worldly marriage is of two bodies.
But divine marriage is of two souls.
Worldly marriage is between woman and man.
But divine marriage may be between man and man, man and woman, woman and woman since
all are souls.
For worldly marriage there may be age restriction. But for divine marriage there is no age
For worldly marriage physical contact is necessary but for divine marriage it may be required or
may not be required.
Surrender of ego is required in both the marriage.
But, what is the need of Divine Marriage?
You have already taken many births. In past births you had many lovers, wives, husbands,
children, friends etc.
For some lover, wife or husband you ended your life and you died without fulfillment of your
desire. Hence it is the desire of your past births which re-unites you! And its fulfillment is very
necessary for your ultimate liberation. Hence Almighty God blesses you with divine love!
Divine Marriage is required to raise the cosmic consciousness. Generally in divine marriage one
partner is at higher level of Spirituality or divinity for raising the level of other partner.
In most of the cases there is vast age difference between the two divine lovers since one
partner needs to be at very high Spiritual level to impart the divinity to other.
When both the partners are men or women ie of same gender, then no problem.
Problem arises when both the partners are of different genders. Then they can not meet due to
social taboo. Then they are reluctant to meet specially in the present time.
Some times we read about the incident of sex-abuse in religious, spiritual or divine field.
It may be true, it may not be true.
In the point of view of the world it may be wrong. But in the point of view of Almighty it may be
Tell me! Reply to me!
If you are a man or woman. If you come to know that some person was your lover or wife or
husband in your past lives. Both of you used to die for each other. Then what will you do?
Will you not like to meet the lover of your past births?
Will you not like to meet the wife of your past births?
Will you not like to meet the husband of your past births?
Almighty God is too much merciful. Krishna is too much merciful. Hence He arranges and
blesses you with a divine lover for you due to this reason.
It is up to you, you want to accept His this blessing or not.
19 NOV 2022
True Incident : How I felt during enlightenment
*It was during the year 1990. I was doing a good central government job in Gandhi Nagar,
Gujarat. I was having beautiful wife and two beautiful kids of five years old and one year old.
*I was having beautiful family with no lacking. I was well to do. Nothing was lacking by the grace
of God.
*But all of sudden my father expired after a brief illness of about three months. I was shocked.
*It appeared to me that I lost everything.
I felt that I was having nothing in spite of having everything. I wanted to die.
*I felt three truth of lifeI don't have any thing!
I can't do anything!
I don't know anything!
*Then I prayed to Krishna!
And my prayer was heard by merciful Krishna!
*When I was enlightened, I felt that I was dreaming a long dream since ages!
*I felt that, I was sleeping till now since ages. Now I have wake up from a long dream!
*I was astonished, all this was a dream.
My parents, family, children, friends, home, job etc all this was a dream!
*Hence I wanted to decide to leave my parents, family, children, friends, home, job etc. Till now I
was cheated by all of them.
Now I have come on Reality!
Now I came to know the Reality!
*I came to know, this entire universe is just a dream and nothing else!
*Hence I decided to leave the world!
I decided to leave my parents, wife, children, brothers, sisters, family, friends, home etc.
*I decided to take Sanyas as per Bhagavad Gita!
And I went to Mount Abu in an Ashram!
*There I was helped by a very learned Sage, saint, Mahatma ji. He asked me whether I was
married or having family. Then I told him the truth. He guided me. He told me the truth of
Bhagwad Gita. He told Gita does not ask to take Sanyas. Gita tells us to do our duty!
*He told me that I had done a very big mistake leaving my wife, small kids and family.
Hence I returned to home.
*Hare Krishna!
Jai Sri Krishna!
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21 May 2022
My Guru Sri Krishna
*My direct Guru!
Lord Sri Krishna!
*No other Guru required!
Krishna is in all!
Hence all are my Guru!
*If I learn anything from you!
You are my Guru!
If I learn anything from bird!
Bird is my Guru!
*Krishna is Self!
Self is my Guru!
And I am the Self!
I am Atma!
*Don't be confused!
You can make!
As many Guru as you want!
*In fact you can't make Guru!
Guru makes you!
You can't select Guru!
Guru selects you!
*Why you need any Guru?
Is there any one apart from you?
*You give existence to everyone!
You give existence to everything!
*When you are in deep sleep!
Nothing exists except you!
*When you are in dream!
You create your world!
*Treat this world as your dream!
And wake up to know the Self!
*Tell me!
Reply me!
*World is in you?
You are in the world?
*World is in you!
You are not in the world!
*Does world come to tell you?
That it exists?
*World can't tell that!
It exists!
You only tell that!
World exists!
*You are Chinmay!
World is Jada!
*You give existence to world!
World can't give existence to you!
*But even then if you need!
Almighty will arrange Guru for you!
16 Dec 2020
Tell me
Tell me!
Reply me!
Is sky blue?
Does shadow exist?
Does rainbow exist?
Reflection in mirror exists?
Reply is -
Sky is not blue!
It seems to be blue!
Shadow does not exist!
It seems to exist!
Rainbow does not exist!
It seems to exist!
Reflection does not exist!
It seems to exist!
Similarly -
Your body does not exist!
It seems to exist!
This world does not exist!
It seems to exist!
Since -
Your body is Maya!
Just illusion!
This world is Maya!
Just illusion!
Does the world come and tell you
That -
I exist!
World can't tell!
You are only telling
That -
World exists!
Hence it is within you!
It is not without you!
If you are!
Then only world exists!
If you are not!
Then world does not exist!
Your body is also a part of the world!
It is also in the world!
But you are different than body!
You only see the world, not the body!
21 May 2020
Why to keep it top secret?
Why to keep your divine experience!
As top secret?
Sri Krishna has told again n again!
To dear Arjuna in Gita!
Keep it top secret!
Don't tell it!
To undeserved person!
Even if your spouse!
If you tell it to any undeserving one!
He may laugh on you!
He may not believe on you!
And this will be loss to Dharma!
Any thing should not be diluted!
If you don't keep it top secret!
Divine experience may be diluted!
It will not have any sanctity!
Why king keep any thing top secret?
Why PM, CM keep top secret?
Why you keep your wealth secret?
Nothing is more costly than Divine!
There are chances!
You may become proud!
If you don't keep it secret!
Then you will fall certainly!
Real wise is one!
Who reveals his shortcomings!
And not his qualities!
Then only he can increase them!
Your divine experience may disappear!
Like camphor in the air!
If you reveal it to one n all!
If you don't value it!
Then you may remain empty-handed!
Then nothing will be left except to repent!
If you want to be popular!
By sharing your divine experience!
It may be counted your selfish act!
In Spirituality you have to be selfless!
Why you want to be popular?
When this world does not exist!
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20 November 2023
The Most challenging Task
*Adjusting in the family!
Even if the spouse is of opposite nature!
That's the most challenging task!
In the world of today!
*Initially there is attraction!
Between the spouses!
Within some years of marriage!
*After some years!
Attraction is reduced!
And after some years!
It becomes challenging!
To adjust with such spouses!
*Everyone must know!
Opposite nature of spouse!
That's also a grace of Almighty!
To shine your overall personality!
*Do you know?
Why different sizes of fingers?
Blessed by Almighty for hands!
So that you can make the fist!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
14 November 2023
It shows my mood
*If I greet you!
It shows my mood!
If I love you!
It shows my mood!
If I give happiness to you!
It shows my happy mood!
If I give regards to you!
It shows my mood!
If I help you!
It shows my mood!
*Yes if I do anything good!
It shows my nature!
It shows my mood!
It shows my good health!
*If I do contrary of this!
It shows my bad mood!
It shows my ill health!
*And entire things of this universe!
They depend only on this truth!
*If you are good!
If your behavior is good!
If your health is good!
Entire universe will be good!
*If you are bad!
If your behavior is bad!
If your health is bad!
You make a bad universe!
*You are not in the world!
World is within you!
*You are the creator of universe!
Universe doesn't create you!
You are dreaming this universe!
Universe is not dreaming you!
*Same is the case with you!
Same is the case with me!
I and you are same and one!
There is no I and you!
*Radhe Radhe!
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
18 September 2023
He will be my enemy
*I am the Self!
I am immortal Atma!
Hence I never die!
*When I disappear from body!
People call it death!
He will be like my enemy!
If he weeps at that time!
*I shall consider him fool!
If he weeps at that time!
Since I never die!
Since I am immortal Atma!
*I shall remain near you!
Wherever you are!
And I shall appear in you!
If you remember me with love!
Even after I disappear!
Since I never die!
Since I am always with you!
*Even now!
Just remember me!
With pure love!
And I shall be with you!
Within the moments!
There is no doubt!
*Since I am always with you!
Since I am always near you!
Since I am always in you!
*I was everywhere!
I am everywhere!
I shall be everywhere!
*Since I and you are not different!
Since I and you are one and same!
*Don't be trapped !
By body of Pravin!
Don't be in illusion!
By this visible body!
Called as Pravin!
Pravin is immortal Atma!
Atma is Paramatma, self!
*Pravin never dies!
Self never dies!
*Hence don't weep!
When this body dies!
Body of Pravin dies!
*Self is always present!
Atma is always present!
In past, present, future!
*No time space in me!
No one is in myself!
Nothing is in myself
I dream this world!
When I wake up!
I find only I exist!
Nothing else exists!
I am immortal Atma!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
14 July 2023
If body feels headache
*Try this!
If body feels headache!
*Remember now!
You have forgotten yourself!
You are not the body!
*You are soul!
You are seeing your body!
You are seeing the world!
*Body is feeling headache!
You can't feel headache!
*One year ago!
Once you had headache!
Do you remember it now!
*Same will be the case now!
This headache also!
You will forget tomorrow!
*You are soul!
You are beyond!
Joy and sorrows!
*You are seeing body!
You are seeing the world!
Like you see rainbow!
Like you see mirage in desert!
*Body and World do not exist!
Hence headache doesn't exist!
*Have firm belief on this!
Your headache will disappear!
Within a moment!
*Jai Sri Radha Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
? ? ?
28 December 2021
You are in the world or world is within you?
*Tell me!
Reply me!
*You are in the world?
Or, world is within you?
*Correct reply -
You are not in the world!
World is within you!
*In fact, world does not exist!
Only yourself exist!
*And the purpose of your birth!
Only to know this fact!
14 May 2023
Chitt acts as projector
*This world is like a movie!
Chitt acts as projector!
In this world movie!
*Chitt is Hindi word!
It has no English word!
It can be called subtle mind!
*Chitt is most subtle!
Nothing is smaller than Chitt!
It is smaller than an atom!
No one can take its photo!
*Chitt is very smaller than an atom!
It is millions time more Powerful!
Than any atom bomb!
*If Chitt is destroyed!
Entire cosmos is destroyed!
Within moments!
Then nothing is left behind!
Except Brahman, Supreme Soul!
*Chitt is created!
Since your millions of births!
It has all your recorded Karma!
Since millions of births!
It shows the world movie!
*Nothing exists except you!
Nothing exists except Self!
Nothing exists except Atma, Soul!
*That is Supreme Soul!
That is Supreme Self!
That is Brahman!
*Every God of any religion!
In this Brahman only!
In this Supreme Soul only!
In this Supreme Self only!
*Your Chitt shows different faces!
Your Chitt shows different things!
Chitt is creator of world movie!
*In Cinema Hall!
You can see movie!
Only in the dark!
When lights are on!
You don't see movie!
*In the same way!
You see this world movie!
Only in ignorance of darkness!
When lights of knowledge are on!
Then you don't see world movie!
Then you only exists, nothing else!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
26 February 2023
Everything in Your Memory
*Your birth in your memory!
Your body in your memory!
Your childhood in your memory!
Your young age in your memory!
Your old age in your memory!
Your death in your memory!
*Your family in your memory!
Your friends in your memory!
Your Colony in your memory!
Your city in your memory!
Your nation in your memory!
Your world in your memory!
*All Gods of all religions!
In your memory!
Every Guru!
In your memory!
All religions, genders etc!
In your memory!
*Initially you were without memory!
In Between you are with memory!
In the end you will be without memory!
But you are in all these three times!
*You are beyond memory!
You are in the memory!
You are without the memory!
*You are yourself memory!
Every thing in your memory!
Every one in your memory!
Every circumstance in your memory!
*You are within memory!
You are without memory!
You are beyond memory!
*You are creator of memory!
You are creator of every one!
You are creator of every thing!
Since you are Brahman!
*Same thing is with you!
Same thing is with me!
There is no I and you!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
24 January 2023
Those who look outside
*Look within!
See inside you!
*If you look outside!
You drain your energy!
*If you look yourself only!
You gain the energy!
*Close your eyes!
From the world!
*Open your eyes!
From your inside only!
*Ask yourself only!
How this body came?
How this world came?
Reply yourself only!
*Ask yourself only!
Paramatma exists?
How all things came?
Who produced them?
How they were produced?
Reply yourself only!
*Ask yourself only!
Who gives you life?
Who gives life to world?
How sun, moon, stars running?
Reply yourself only!
*One and only one!
Almighty God will help you!
To find out the reply!
Of above questions!
It is the purpose of your birth!
25 DEC 2022
This happens with everyone
*In divine journey this happens with everyone. There is one stage in between of divine journey
everyone starts to assume him God.
*I also started to assume myself as God about ten years ago. But I asked the following
questions from myself1/ Am I in divine bliss 24 hours, round the clock without any break?
2/ Can I give divine bliss to anyone within a moment?
3/ Am I present everywhere even in Mars, Sun or Moon?
4/ Can I enter in the inner most room of 7 rooms one inside the other without breaking its lock.
5/ Do I know past, present and future of anyone?
6/ Can I talk with anyone in the world from anywhere without a phone?
7/ Can I touch anyone from anywhere in the world?
8/ Am I inside of everyone?
9/ Can I be present in more than one place at a time?
*Your divine journey is incomplete if you can't do all above things.
*I found the reply of these questions as No.
Hence I decided not to do my publicity as God.
*If anyone can do all above things, then he can be called as God like Sri Krishna. He could do
all these things during His life time.
*Hence I decided not to do my publicity as God and to continue my divine journey.
*Publicity is the greatest greed one has to win during his divine journey.
*Atma-Gyan is the first step of divine journey.
I received Atma-Gyan during the year 1990 by Lord Krishna Himself.
One has to be Vishwatma ie Supreme Soul like Sri Krishna to complete his spiritual journey.
That is the last step of divine journey. This is very long process.
*Everyone can be Sat Chit Anand.
Every one can feel himself Sat Chit Anand every moment since he is already Sat Chit Anand
*Read Yog Vashishth. It is about Atma-Gyan of Lord Rama by His Guru Vashishth.
Then you can understand fully.
*I am sorry if I have ever hurt the feelings of anyone. It is not due to jealousy or greed but to
open the eyes of all concerned.
22 April 2022
Senses, Subtle Mind, Intellect
*Senses are my My Maya!
Subtle mind is My Maya!
Intellect is my Maya!
They are just illusion!
*Actually they do not exist!
Only I exist and nothing else!
*They have been created!
To show the world movie!
To play with you!
To cheat you!
*I have infinite senses!
I have infinite subtle mind!
I have infinite intellect!
These are my tools!
*But I have restricted them!
Within the limits!
To show you world movie!
Thus I myself became limited!
*When I am limited!
I am Maya, illusion!
When I am unlimited!
I am Paramatma!
*But in fact nothing exists!
Except Myself!
*Really all this is my dream!
When I sleep, I see this dream!
When I wake up, no dream!
Then nothing exists except Me!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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21 Dec 2020
Body and world are impurity
If impurity increases!
World increases!
If impurity decreases!
World decreases!
When impurity is zero!
Then world is zero!
You will be in Almighty!
World is the cause of impurity!
Body is the cause of impurity!
Sorrow is the cause of impurity!
If you remember Almighty!
If your actions are selfless!
If you speak truth!
By body, mind and speech!
Then impurity decreases!
Then you are nearing to Almighty!
Almighty is beyond purity and impurity!
World is within purity and impurity!
24 Nov 2020
Everything is allowed to those
Every thing is allowed to those!
Who don't want any thing!
Nothing is allowed to those!
Who want everything!
Every thing is allowed to those!
Who are in divine!
Nothing is allowed to those!
Who are in the world!
Those who are in the world!
For them rules and regulations!
Since their actions are selfish!
Since they are within duality!
Those who are in divine!
For them, no rules and regulations!
Since their all actions are selfless!
Since they are beyond duality!
Hence by seeing any action!
Of any divine person!
You should never conclude!
He is doing right or wrong!
For them, nothing right or wrong!
Their actions beyond intellect!
Like the actions of Almighty!
They are non-doer Infact!
Even then they work as per society!
To set example for one and all!
Their may be some exceptions!
But those may also be selfless!
Does the world come and tell you
That -
I exist!
World can't tell!
You are only telling
That -
World exists!
Hence it is within you!
It is not without you!
If you are!
Then only world exists!
If you are not!
Then world does not exist!
Your body is also a part of the world!
It is also in the world!
But you are different than body!
You only see the world, not the body!
18 October 2019
Sex is a beautiful gift of Almighty!
Sex is a beautiful gift of Almighty!
But what for sex is created!
It is created to continue the world!
And to enjoy it!
But after enjoying!
You have to leave it!
After knowing!
The essence of sex!
What is that!
It will give you enjoyment!
But momentarily!
After some time you loose it!
How many times you have enjoyed it!
With how many women you have enjoyed it!
With how many men you have enjoyed it!
Do you remember that enjoying now?
Are you still in the same mood?
Have you got contentment?
No, still you got no contentment!
And, never you will get!
It has been created like this!
Even if you enjoy thousands of women!
Even if you enjoy thousands of men!
It is as if we add ghee in fire!
Fire will glow more!
Same is the case with sex!
The more you enjoy!
The more you will want it!
And it will be never ending!
And thus you will die one day!
With the desire of sex!
And you will get new birth!
In this painful world!
Sex was created to cheat you!
Sex was created to deceive you!
It was created for your bondage!
And also for your liberation!
You are not weaker than sex!
You are more powerful than it!
Make it a friend!
Don't fight with it!
Keep it within the limits!
By keeping busy yourself!
Always in the works!
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost all of my posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost all of my posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-
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Whomsoever I see that is myself-
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Scenes do not exist even now-
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Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
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Ex-Talent Acquisition specialist at HIKEEDU | Ex-Placement Intern at IMS NOIDA
11 个月????
Ex-Talent Acquisition specialist at HIKEEDU | Ex-Placement Intern at IMS NOIDA
11 个月????
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