YOU Are a World Changer! Yes, YOU!

YOU Are a World Changer! Yes, YOU!

In my last article, I talked about how I believe everyone is blessed with a very unique set of skills/gifts. You just have to take the time to Discover, Develop, and Deploy those skills. Once you are able to do that, something awesome happens. YOU become a WORLD CHANGER!

I believe that every single one of us has the potential to affect change in this world. Pretty cool, right? I'd love to have that signature at the bottom of my business card. "Nevin Rosner...World Changer". I doubt my boss will let me ;) But it's true! We all have the skill set/gifts, in one way or another, to bring positive change in this world. What does that look like? I may have a few ideas!

1. You WILL face adversity

People will tell you that you "can't". People will tell you that your ideas, your mission, your goals aren't worth while. The key is to press on with the right mindset. Believe that you can achieve what you've set out to do. I heard a really great quote by Dr. Barbara de Angelis, an influential teacher on personal development. She said,

"We don't develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity."

I believe this to be so true! If we challenge the adversity that comes our way, we will come out that much stronger and courageous in the pursuit of our mission/goals to change the world.

2. You CAN'T do it alone

Jim Rohn, the renown business philosopher, is famous for saying,

"You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with"

When you set out on your mission as a World Changer, you need to find influence and support from the RIGHT people. Spend your time with those people who are driven to be world changers themselves. Be mentored by people who have the advice and direction needed to move you forward in your journey. The minute you allow negative influence in your life, you risk the potential of taking several steps back. You don't have time for that! So, identify the 5 people in your life that you need to surround yourself with in order to make positive strides for your cause.

3. You must start NOW

Life is too short to wait! You need to start making an impact NOW. World Changers are never complacent. They never stop, slow down, or detour from the pursuit of achieving their mission. They never dwell on the phrase, "What if?". They ACT! They prove any doubters wrong right away. They never give up and will never return to normal, everyday routines. They DON'T WAIT!

So, what is stopping you from beginning your "World Changer" journey today? Is it a fear? Is it an individual? Whatever it is, put that behind you and start moving forward today.

Will it be easy? Nope! Will it be worth it? Absolutely!

Build the courage to take on adversity. Surround yourself with people who will encourage and support you in your mission. START NOW!

Go get 'em, World Changer! I'm rooting for you!

-Nevin Rosner


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