Are You Working up to Your Potential? It's Your Time to Soar!
Annie S. Brock
Empowering Leaders to Communicate Effectively and Lead with Impact | Inspiring Speaker | Innovator | Change Agent
If you want to live the life you dream about, you've got to concentrate on what you want and always work towards it - knowing that there may be times when you lose your focus and you find it challenging to keep pursuing your goals and dreams.
It's those times - when you struggle to give 100% to everything you do - that we'll talk about today.
What can you do when you're struggling to keep your focus?
Make every moment count. When you're doing something, give it your all. Give whatever task you're doing your undivided attention. Immerse yourself so that you make the most of the opportunity.
Consider the difference between average and excellence. What's the difference between doing mediocre work or exceptional work? Which of these makes you feel more confident about? Strive for excellence in everything you do.
Begin with the end in mind. Ask yourself, “If I give it my all, what might happen?” It means that you'll need to identify the “end” you're seeking. Then, design a specific step-by-step plan in order to achieve it.
“To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” - Stephen Covey
Be positive. When we think from a positive perspective, it leads us to feeling more content and increases our chance of success.
Be optimistic when you start working on a task. We bring about what we think about, so if you think, "I hate working on these documents because they take forever,” then they will probably take a long time for you to get done.
Set a series of small targets toward accomplishing larger goals. Breaking up big projects into smaller segments can help to reduce overwhelm. The satisfaction of having accomplished the smaller tasks is also a good motivator to keep going. For example, if you want to get through two or three smaller segments, maybe even in one day or a week, you'll be more inclined to try to get another one done sooner. Before you know it, you'll have the entire project completed and be ready to move on to something else!
By setting small, manageable objectives, you'll be on a positive path toward your goals and you’ll be able to see your forward progress along the way.
Celebrate your successes. When you acknowledge your efforts, you’ll be inspired to achieve at high levels. The more you accomplish the more success you will experience.
Make the most of your life by working toward your fullest potential. When you carry out these strategies, you’ll find yourself on top of the world. Your potential is endless!