Are You Working on This Needed Life Skill? It's your key to success

Are You Working on This Needed Life Skill? It's your key to success

Are you working on this needed life skill?

I found myself this week reflecting on how people can work together and sometimes even live together, but never see anything the same way. As a society, we say we celebrate differences, but often, oh baby that's not the case.

And I want to know have you experienced someone or maybe even a group of people using your perspective against you to start an argument, a dispute, or a conflict of some kind?

If so, then let's talk because I know that you want to have success in your life and you want to have healthy relationships in your life as well. And you can have both, but here's the thing - you must get clear on you...

Meaning you must master knowing what you want and need and value in your life and that includes people. So, if I ask you for example, what type of friend do you value - what would you say?

Would you have to think about that, or would you immediately be able to give me a response? If I said to you what type of job environment would would you like to be in, I have an opening -

Would you be able to describe your ideal job environment, or would you have to say I need to get back to you on that?

If I ask you what type of traits are you looking for in your spouse - Could you give me a concise answer in real time? And could I clearly identify if I knew somebody who fit what you described? ... Or would you have to say I'm not clear on that? I don't know.

So, when I say self-mastery that is what I'm talking about. I'm talking about being clear on what you want, need, and value in your life, in this season to help you become the type of person you need to be and to ensure that you are adding value to others.

Think about that. Because without self-mastery that means that we are not growing. And if we are not growing, then we are not evolving into becoming the best us that we can be.

That's why it's important and if you say to yourself... well, I need some work in that area - I need someone to walk alongside me and help me identify what I truly want, what I truly need, then of course you can work with me one on one.

I won't give you values, but I will ask you some thought-provoking questions to help you get clear. Because what I value is not necessarily what you value. And that's okay. That's the way that it should be because we are different people and different people need different things -

Just like certain trees need certain areas to thrive and survive, people are the same way. We have different needs and there's nothing wrong with that, but we first must be able to communicate those needs to ours so that we can be clear enough on it to communicate it to others.

Think about that today because like I said, if we aren't clear, no one else can be clear for us. So, it all starts with us and that's why self-mastery of self - meaning mastering your personal relationship with yourself is so key and critical to every area of your life.

Because like I have said before - you take you everywhere you go. What happens if you don't work on this? You stay where you are. There's nothing wrong with that because some people - they are content exactly where they are.

But if you know there's more - if you desire more - then I encourage you to always be working on developing yourself because...

"Sometimes we fail to have success because we fail to start with the person we are."

"24 hours doesn't seem long, but in 24 hours you can change your life; so go ahead and do something life-changing now." Visit Coach Sam on YouTube @cesamempowers


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