If You Work More Than 30 Hours per Week - Read This
Jesse Martin
I help therapists & practitioners create ????????-?????????????? ???????????? with their own ????????-?????????? ?????????????? or course - MSG for info
I remember when I first learned how to package my knowledge...
It was the same month my income went from about about $4,200, to over $8,000.
And I'm so grateful it's only gone up from there... But I RARELY work more than 30 hours in any given week.
When I learned how to do this, It felt like I won a free vacation worth $100,000.
I was HUGE relief knowing that I didn't have to fill my schedule with with clients all day just to make a decent living.
Most therapists and counselors think that the path to financial freedom is:
Starting a Private Practice,
Doing more session per day,
Raising their rates,
Maybe even starting a group practice that you have to manage.
and I'm not even going to get into the headaches that come with getting on insurance panels
So what happens is that the only way to grow, earn more and help more people... is to sacrifice MORE of your already limited time.
Then after months or even YEARS of this, it's frustration, stress and possible burnout.
*The National Institute for Health found that over 40% of therapist burnout and leave the field
Here's the big problem.
Even with the best intentions in the world, to help a lot of people and make an impact...
If you want FREEDOM (financial abundance + time abundance)...
You must find a way to be paid for your knowledge and experience that DOESN'T require you to trade your time for money.
The Solution?
Take the best knowledge you have and PACKAGE it into something that is highly valuable to your future clients.
Let me explain with a metaphor:
There is a famous sushi restaurant in new York that is $600 per person.
And there is a full waiting list for months!
And yes I actually tried to get in to eat there. (Maybe I'm crazy but I love sushi.)
It's likely less than $20 in ingredients to make it...
But when combined in the right way, people happily pay over $600 for it.
What most people in your shoes are trying to do is sell the "ingredients"...
This means charging by the session or by the hour.
But to break free, you need to take your ingredients then make a one-of-a-kind "meal".
And the quality of the recipe and the knowledge of the chef makes all the difference.
I call this the "High-Value Package Recipe"
And yes this can be done completely ethically if you get a few key pieces right (Drop the word ETHICAL below if you want to know what I mean)
Once you learn how to create a high-value package with your wisdom, you now have:
?? Financial abundance without charging by the session.
?? The flexibility to help clients around the world.
?? True freedom because you have your time and your LIFE back.
?? The ability to give and even do pro-bono work, because you have real abundance!
And look I'm not saying you should go add a "packages" option to your website...
That will just confuse people.
To create a package that people actually WANT to pay for (just like the $600 sushi) ...
You have to get one very important thing right.
It needs to solve a "High-Value" problem.
Then design a package around it.
That's it.
If you get this right, it makes finding clients, charging what you deserve and everything else easier.
This post is already getting way too long so... I will make a video on this in the future.
But right now - If you found this helpful and want some insight into finding your own high-value problem or how to design your own High-Value Package...
Here's how to get it:
1st --- Put "High-Value" below
2nd --- Send me a message saying "Hey Jesse can you help me find a high-value problem to solve"
3rd --- Stop selling the ingredients and instead create your own "$600 sushi"