Should you be? And, for that matter, how will this conversation help my business, career, life at all? Isn’t this why we have police? Lett’s talk about that. It depends on your specific situation for the most part. BUT, most (like you) should be more aware and have a thought process about their personal safety (and those they love?) than they do. But WHY Rick? Aren’t you being a dirty fear monger?
There are plenty of others out there (watched any news lately?) who do that to you all the time… I’m going more for putting control back in your hands and helping you achieve a better quality of life. Let’s talk about terms and that pesky WHY for a moment.
The last two years have simply been more than slightly off kilter. I don’t need to rehash them for you, and a lot of people are back to more or less normal at this point. But not everyone.
There is a larger (and seemingly growing) part of humanity that has lost their job, careers, or other things which has made them at minimum much more stressed. More than that, mental issues are at and all time high as well as use of “medication” both legal and illegal to cope with life. Whatever the cause, the sheer amount of People Doing Bad Things (hereafter known as the acronym PDBT) is much higher than before and rising?
Oh yeah, time for the police side of the conversation. Us Law Enforcement types have been called many things! One term commonly used is First Responders… Meaning they are the (hopefully) First to Respond – AFTER some bad or unfortunate thing has happened to someone. Or some people. The someone in this could at some point be you, someone you know, or someone you care about in some way.
The problem is this: The past two years have seen an incredible mass Exodus of these First Responder types all across these United States. That means this: Most likely where you live there are less police to RESPOND to situations and events than there have been previously. When they can and do show up, it takes them on average a longer time to get there. That means the people involved have to somehow deal with these situations themselves, for longer periods of time until any help does come.
By the way, this includes your local Firefighters and EMS folks. They are fewer in numbers, for many of the same reasons. This is how we come to the basics of MINDSET. Whether you like it or not, increased incidents of PDBT in and around the US can and increasingly will affect you at some point.
Are you a business owner? PDBT in your business will absolutely have an impact. Are you a professional in a professional environment? Same. Lost resources, time, clientele, staff, what have you. Haven’t even touched the financial ramifications. What if it happened to you? Your personal life will definitely be changed by an event like this?
FEAR MONGER you say! No, but I am trying to help by raising awareness and talking about solutions. Have you ever thought of these things? Has you or your business already had events (or close calls?) with PDBT? Many such situations CAN be avoided, or handled by people with a proper mindset, training, and the ability to de escalate a situation before it turns into something more damaging.
This is where we come in. Over the next couple weeks, I want to teach you how you can become more competent with this process. It’s what we do! The entire point is to help people be more confident, capable, safe, and go be able to go home at the end of your day. Talk to you about this tomorrow!